Know How / Technology

From nutrient sensors to auto-steer systems, budget guidance kits to electric tractors and clever combine attachments to crop monitoring drones, we’ve got everything covered.

We’ll explain how to get set up with tractor GPS, how to do it on the cheap and what the best options are on the market. Our technology area houses all the information in handy guides and product reviews for you to get stuck in to.

Key areas of focus:

  • Guidance systems
  • Livestock technology including robotic milkers
  • Alternative fuels such as methane
  • Drones and mapping technology
  • Future farm technology developments

Case studies

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Calving detection technology: 3 options compared

From smart boluses to cameras and tail-mounted devices, the evolution of technology means unnecessary late-night trips to the calving shed can be a thing of the past. Three farmers share…


Cleanacres sprayer revived with home-made autosteer system

Keen to modernise spraying operations, but happy with the performance of their 1998 Cleanacres Atlas, David and Michael Edwards decided to treat it to some upgrades. Top of their wish…


How a Berkshire contractor geared up for drone spraying

If you’ve had a go with a small consumer-type drone, it’s easy to understand why enthusiasts like Bracknell-based Steve Frost get hooked. They are relatively cheap, can capture great visuals…


UK made kit converts any tractor to RTK autosteer for £3k

Barrel-straight tramlines and perfectly matched bouts are now far more attainable thanks to the efforts of an enterprising West Country farmer. Having perfected the design of his own low-cost autosteer…


Olly Harrison sows OSR and cover crop with quadcopter drone

Merseyside arable farmer and agricultural YouTuber Olly Harrison planted a 1ha segment of oilseed rape via aerial application with a quadcopter drone. The P40 XAG drone also broadcast a cover…

Practical advice

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How to get cheaper or more accurate RTK guidance

There is something to be said for keeping the old skills alive, but when it comes to driving in straight lines, few people want to go back once they’ve had…


How new tech aims to improve soil carbon measurement

Measuring soil organic carbon accurately has always been difficult. But with the rise in interest in carbon trading in agriculture, as well as the other benefits from managing carbon stocks…


4 ways poultry technology can help tackle rising costs

Poultry producers are enduring crippling costs and are desperate to see some of the risk move up the supply chain as they attempt to engage with retailers. So what can…


11 handy tech solutions for poultry farmers

Technology can take farm management to the next level, and a well thought-out investment can help cut costs overall. Whether you want to transform flock performance, reduce labour costs or…


Central tyre inflation systems – the options and prices

Pump ’em up for the road, let ’em down for the field. That is the essence of using a central tyre inflation system (CTIS) to actively manage inflation pressures and…


How to make the most of technical data from robots

As well as easing labour pressures and increasing milk yields, robotic milking systems have the potential to generate a huge amount of data that can be used to inform key…


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How tech trial is helping Lincs estate improve wheat inputs

Lessons learned from a technology trial are being rolled out across the rest of the cropping area on one Lincolnshire Estate, as part of an ongoing drive to improve nitrogen…


How the market-leading farm management system is changing

New-look, cloud-based digital farm management software incorporating the best elements of the well-known market-leading Gatekeeper and Muddy Boots crop recording programs is set to be rolled out throughout 2025 by…


How new technology enables yield mapping for root crops

In-field yield mapping of root crops, such as sugar beet and potatoes, is tricky compared with grain crops, not least because of the added complication of soil attached to the…


SoilEssentials' Skai spot-sprayer cuts chemical use

Aware of the dearth of options for tackling pernicious grassland weeds without clobbering clover, Charlie Murray went in search of a solution. The core of his Clyde Agriculture business, which…


5 new products at Dairy-Tech 2025 to improve efficiency

In a precarious time for the industry, technology to enhance productivity has never been more important. Here, we take a look at just a few of the new products that…


What the latest in-field pest and disease tech can offer

The development of “smart” spore-trapping systems that combine on-site analysis and real-time reporting to track the spread of diseases mean that the same-day detection of more than one pathogen will…


Aussies offer spot-spraying system for autonomous tractors

A new AutoFill docking system for SwarmFarm Robotics’ autonomous pivot-steer tractor units means they can top up their spray tanks without human intervention. Once the liquid level falls below a…


3 adoption steps for AI to transform arable farming

Technologies using artificial intelligence (AI) are primed to progressively change the way we farm, ultimately leading to a fundamental shift in the way farmers grow crops. That’s the prediction of…


£50k Sabanto Steward kit gets Fendt 700 working autonomously

Long, lonely hours spent cultivating, drilling and mowing could be a thing of the past with the advent of a plug-in kit that can get any autosteer-ready tractor operating autonomously.…


Why agri-tech and nature have a place on the farm of the future

Innovative approaches and technical solutions sat alongside nature-friendly practices as the industry looked for potential ways to tackle the industry’s multiple challenges at Rase’s Farm of the Future event. Delivered…


Genetic ‘off switch’ and zinc find could promote N fixation

A genetic “off switch” that shuts down nitrogen fixation when soil nitrate levels are high has been identified by a global group of scientists. The regulator gene was successfully removed,…

Technology reviews and tests


How do three main farm carbon calculators compare?

Want to know how much your farm is contributing to industry net-zero targets and how to improve? Or are you looking to access carbon trading markets or other financial incentives…


On test: New hard-as-nails Cat S42 smartphone

Many smartphones have come a cropper in merciless farmyard environments, but Cat reckons its latest drop-proof S42 can survive where the bigger names fail. The new rugged handset is built…


Retrofit yield monitor offers crop data on old combines

Canadian outfit Farm TRX has developed a relatively cheap retrofit yield monitor that is able to generate downloadable crop performance maps via apps that run on a standard smartphone or…


How the ATVtrac tracker finds stolen bikes in under two hours

Millions of pounds’ worth of ATVs and farm buggies have been recovered thanks to retrofit tracking systems. The covert kits are fitted discreetly in the machine’s shell and ping regular…


Buyer's guide: Teat disinfection technology

As herd sizes increase and labour sourcing continues to create challenges, more farmers are turning to automated teat disinfection technologies to ease pressure in the parlour and promote efficiencies. Although…


Collar-mounted GPS tracker for lost dogs on test

Whether it’s a working sheepdog or an ancient scruffy terrier that spends most of its time by the Aga, losing a dog is pretty upsetting. Luckily, there are now serveral…


9 new products to be showcased at Dairy-Tech 2019

After the successful inaugural show last year, Dairy-Tech is back for 2019 and will feature lots of the latest inventions and equipment on the market. New products at the event…


Video: Land Rover's butch Explore smartphone on test

Land Rover fans who want a smartphone to match their rugged workhorse are in for a treat with the Explore – a tough handset built to take the punishment of…

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