Know How / Soils

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How to make a comprehensive soil profile on-farm

Understanding the health and characteristics of soils by conducting a soil profile helps growers identify key issues, such as compaction, nutrient deficiencies, and drainage problems. It leads to informed decisions…


Expert advice to improve soil fertility post-harvest

As harvest wraps up across the country, farmers are turning their attention to autumn crop nutrition and soil organic matter levels, where the use of a soil conditioner could help…


How to companion crop successfully in winter wheat

Companion cropping is an emerging practice that is recognised in the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) with an action that attracts a payment of £55/ha. In its most common form, it…


How to minimise soil compaction without steel and diesel

Increased occurrence of extreme rainfall events should prompt farmers to remind themselves of the dangers of compacted soils. However, plenty can be done to reduce the risk of declining productivity…


How to plan crop and soil management after a washout season

Soils, rotations and cashflows were all impacted by the 2023-24 growing season washout, meaning there are important decisions to be made ahead of the new cropping year. The smallest wheat…


Growers advised to test soils immediately post harvest

As combines begin to roll across the UK, growers are advised to carry out soil tests immediately post-harvest to calculate optimum fertiliser requirements ahead of planting this autumn. Soil health…

Case studies

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Cropping in the Fens: Working for a sustainable future

It’s one of the most productive agricultural regions in England, but it’s also an area at the most risk from climate change and environmental degradation, prompting debate about its future…


Why a long-term no-tiller is ploughing again on heavy soils

For more than 20 years, a bare brown field has not been seen on Motts Farm on the Dengie peninsula in Essex, with crops established using zero tillage. But that…


How growers can build resilience on arable farms

Growers must be prepared to adjust their farming operations and management to make businesses more resilient in the event of adverse weather and volatile market conditions. That’s the message for…


Soils improve for Northants grower after a switch to regen

Peter Mee has cut his growing costs while holding his arable yields steady after four years of regenerative farming having improved the structure of his soils close to the flood-prone…


How to improve arable performance in challenging times

Reducing costs and emissions while maintaining food production was the focus of the recent Farm Carbon Toolkit's field day in Herefordshire. Having control over the use of fossil fuel-based inputs…


No-till provides zero cost way into support scheme

Kent grower Richard Day is set to use his adoption of direct drilling and precision fertiliser techniques under new environment schemes to gain more than 40% of his old direct…


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Low-carbon premiums could soon benefit arable farmers

As supply chains come under increasing pressure to meet environmental goals, arable farmers with a track record of reducing on-farm carbon emissions could soon benefit from verified low-carbon premiums. Independent…


Why managing winter rainfall on arable land matters

For Kent farm manager and AHDB Kent Monitor Farm host Tom Reynolds, managing water has become much more challenging in recent years. The amount of winter rainfall is higher than…


Advice on managing glyphosate resistance this spring

A rapid testing service will be available this spring to help farmers and agronomists quickly investigate suspected cases of glyphosate resistance and act to contain any new populations. Early intervention…


How composting is helping organic transition on Norfolk farm

Making and using compost to improve soil health has become a central part of the route Ken Hill Farm & Estate is taking to transition to an organic farm. Farm…


AHDB analysis: The merits of SFI break crop alternatives

Finding a reliable break crop in the arable rotation is an ongoing challenge. Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions, such as herbal leys or legume fallows could be an alternative, especially…


Soil health solutions key to reducing fertiliser emissions

Incorporating soil conditioners and biostimulants into farm agronomy programmes could play a role in helping cut on-farm emissions. Soil enhancing solutions can support soil health and nutrient efficiency and in…


New reports reveal arable's impact on the environment

Two new reports are being said to provide a clear roadmap for improving soil health, reducing carbon emissions and supporting biodiversity, while also enabling farm businesses to continue operating profitably.…


How different forms of organic matter affect soil health

Building soil organic matter in arable soils is increasingly recognised as important for improving soil structure and water holding capacity, reducing nutrient leaching and providing greater resilience. It is also…

Latest soils news

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World’s first carbon insetting programme established

The world’s first global carbon insetting programme, designed specifically to monetise environmental efforts within the agri-business supply chain, has been launched. International regenerative agriculture certifier Regenagri established the platform with…


Plan ahead to benefit from soil sampling, growers advised

Soil sampling is an essential tool in understanding the nutrient availability of soils, but unless the results are interpreted correctly, it could be a waste of money. That is according…


Search kicks off for the 2025 Soil Farmer of the Year

Entries are now open for the 2025 Soil Farmer of the Year competition, which celebrates the achievements of farmers who have enhanced soil health.  The competition, now in its 10th…


AHDB to study environmental benefits of British agriculture

The AHDB has set up a new carbon baselining pilot to help farmers deliver on environmental targets by demonstrating the scale and potential of natural carbon stocks across British agriculture.…


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Video: UK agroforestry system integrates fruit and arable

First-generation tenant farmer Stephen Briggs planted the UK’s largest agroforestry system, integrating fruit trees and arable cropping to boost land productivity. More than a decade after the 4,500 apple trees…


Video: Why cows and trees are part of Essex arable business

George Young is making big changes to his arable business with nature at its heart. Read the full report and watch the videos for more detail on his tree planting…


Video: Grower undersows with clover to cut fertiliser costs

A regenerative farmer is experimenting with white clover understories to reduce his nitrogen fertiliser bills and provide additional grazing for the ewe flock. The price of natural gas, a key…


Video: How a US potato grower is slashing pesticide use

Growing potatoes on a commercial scale with virtually zero synthetic inputs would seem impossible, but this is exactly what one US farmers has achieved using what he calls “biotic farming”,…