Know How / Potatoes

In a tough potato market, our potatoes page aims to help you grow a more profitable crop in the face of rising inputs and volatile markets.

This is your starting point for addressing challenges such as disease and weed control, finding ways of managing pests, exploring precision farming and protecting the environment.

Key areas of focus:

  • Getting establishment right
  • Planning fungicide strategy
  • Keeping on top of weeds
  • Meeting market specifications
  • Planning irrigation schedules

Must reads

Latest potatoes Know How articles


How new technology enables yield mapping for root crops

In-field yield mapping of root crops, such as sugar beet and potatoes, is tricky compared with grain crops, not least because of the added complication of soil attached to the…


How to stop rhizoctonia denting potato yields this spring

Researchers agree that work needs to be done to understand the impact of changing growing systems on a key soil-borne pathogen of potato crops. Until then, the advice on managing…


Where is the crop industry with nematode biocontrols?

The dwindling availability of insecticide seed treatment and nematicides has paved the way for pest control using entomopathogenic nematodes. Following successful trial work in key high-value crops, farmer uptake looks…

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