Know How / Potatoes / Crop management

From calculating fertiliser requirements, managing pest threats such as potato cyst nematode, and keeping on top of diseases including potato blight, there are significant decisions to be made on potato agronomy throughout the growing season. Keep up-to-date on how to tackle these issues and find out what new technology has to offer the professional potato grower in today’s market.

Case studies

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Estate grows low input potato crop with no yield loss

Holkham Estate in north Norfolk successfully grew a 10ha field of salad potatoes with zero synthetic fungicide, fertiliser or insecticide applications, without any loss in marketable yield. Harry Barnett, potato…


How farmers in potato 'world capital' deal with soil erosion

Prince Edward Island in eastern Canada claims to be the potato capital of the world based on production per capita, with an annual harvest of 1.45m tonnes. This equates to…


Can maincrop potatoes be grown in a regenerative system?

North Yorkshire potato farmer James Pick is on a mission to future-proof production of one of the nation’s favourite carbohydrates – the potato – and believes regenerative farming practices hold…


How potato grower variably applies potash and magnesium

Novel soil-mapping technology is enabling a potato grower to learn more about his own soils and rented fields, thereby make better use of two key nutrient inputs. About two-thirds of…


How a potato supplier aims to improve supply efficiency

The UK’s largest potato supplier is investigating a farm-scale net-zero project which aims to increase efficiency and long-term sustainability across the entire potato supply chain. Whether it concerns variety choice,…


How optimistic potato grower targets soil improvements

Potato planting might only have finished in the last week of May, but our Northern Arable Insights grower James Pick is still reasonably optimistic for the crop this season. “We…

Practical advice

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6 steps for granular potato nematicide best practice

Potato growers are being reminded to follow the best-practice protocol for granular nematicides this spring to ensure products are used safely and are protected for the future. Mark Taylor, chairman…


Why hygiene is key to avoid soft rot spread in potato stores

Scottish potato growers are urged to remain vigilant against soft rots this storage period, with appropriate ventilation and meticulous hygiene key to avoid spread in seed and ware crops. A…


Should you use DMN in potato stores this season?

Processing potato growers had a positive experience with a new potato sprout suppressant last year, with the product achieving good sprout control in very challenging circumstances. However, pre-pack growers are…


Advice on reducing risk of late season disease in potatoes

With unsettled weather set to continue, potato haulm destruction could be a protracted process in many crops, particularly indeterminate varieties or those grown for seed. SAC Consulting’s potato expert Kyran…


Growers advised to check weed control before blight spraying

Potato growers are being advised to check fields to determine how well their herbicides have worked before the blight spraying season kicks off. Andrew Goodinson, potato agronomist at crop production…


How to keep potato crops free from weeds this spring

Potato planting has proved challenging for some and weed control could also be tricky. Farmers Weekly gets some regional strategic advice from the Association of Independent Potato Consultants (AIPC) before…


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How to stop rhizoctonia denting potato yields this spring

Researchers agree that work needs to be done to understand the impact of changing growing systems on a key soil-borne pathogen of potato crops. Until then, the advice on managing…


Potato cyst nematode: Measures being considered in Scotland

Measures to protect Scotland’s seed potato sector from the spread of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) are likely to have implications for ware growers across Great Britain. Roughly 80% of the…


Potato growers advised to stock up mancozeb for new strain

Potato growers are being advised to stock up on the multisite fungicide mancozeb before sales end on 30 November, to help manage resistance risk next season. The advice follows confirmation…


Potato growing innovations to cut inputs and carbon footprint

With intensive soil cultivations and high levels of inputs often required to produce commercial crops, there was plenty of innovation on display at a recent two-day potato event in Lincolnshire…


Why industry-wide effort is needed to beat potato viruses

Across Europe, a recent rise in seed potato crops being downgraded due to virus diseases sends a very strong message that action must be taken now to arrest the upward…


Potato blight: What UK farmers can learn from Europe

A combination of wet weather, new double fungicide-resistant strains of blight and repeated block applications of fungicides resulted in 2023 being one of the worst late blight seasons in the…


Why increasing diversity in arable fields is key to IPM

Introducing greater diversity in arable fields is an important part of integrated strategies for disease and pest control, buying crucial time for slower acting biological solutions. Canadian soil specialist Joel…


Why late blight management just got more complicated

A late blight genotype that is resistant to a second fungicide mode of action continues to spread through Europe, meaning British potato growers will need to take extra care when…


How a trickle approach can cut potato irrigation costs

Diesel and electricity are the main energy sources used to pump water through irrigation systems. It was, therefore, a double whammy when last year’s high prices hit potato growers in…


Trial shows granular nematicide reduces losses from spraing

New research shows how farmers can successfully tackle the growing problem of free-living nematodes, and the subsequent spraing damage to tubers when they transmit tobacco rattle virus. Tobacco rattle virus…


4 steps to tackle PCN after granular nematicides

The last remaining granular nematicide for potato cyst nematode (PCN) control, Nemathorin (fosthiazate) faces an uncertain future on UK farms. While its approval holder, ISK, and marketer Syngenta have invested…


How to keep tubers disease-free in potato stores

Both seed and ware potato growers are urged not to fall at the final hurdle and leave crops vulnerable to storage diseases this year, as field conditions push up the…

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