Know How / Market opportunities

In a competitive market for arable crops, keep on top of where the market opportunities lie. Find out which grain and oilseed rape contracts offer a premium, how future changes to subsidies may affect grain markets and how other farmers have switched varieties to find new markets.

Advice and tips


Getting the most from intercropping: Your questions answered

Intercropping is becoming a popular option for arable farmers looking to reduce chemical inputs and enhance yields. Particularly as the Sustainable Farming Incentive pays £55/ha for companion cropping. Despite its…


Round-up of the niche crop options for UK growers

Introducing alternative break crops to an arable rotation can help growers improve soil health, spread market risk and further financial gain. As pesticide actives are lost and resistance fears build,…


Strategy pointers for selling grain in a volatile market

Wheat growers are being urged to calculate their cost of production before selling any grain for harvest 2023, as input costs have risen sharply while wheat prices have drifted lower.…


Advice on growing malting barley to gain from high premiums

Premiums of £55-£60/t for malting barley are being offered this harvest, with the price supported by beer's history of being recession-proof and the post-Covid recovery in beer sales. For these…

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Case studies


The perennial crop offering a maize alternative for biogas

Maize is wonderful crop to grow for biogas. But imagine an alternative that is cheaper to grow, is a perennial (so doesn’t need drilling each spring) and provides valuable food…


Why East Yorks grower added flax to the rotation

Jonathan Hodgson isn’t averse to growing niche crops at Great Newsome Farm in East Yorkshire, and for the past three years his cropping mix has included a fibre crop that…


How trees helped Notts farmer broaden arable business

Diversifications such as agroforestry could prove to be a lifesaver for some arable businesses facing a sharp reduction in Basic Payment Scheme income. Here, a Nottinghamshire farmer outlines his decade…


Why blueberries are working well for Northants arable farm

The search for a diversification project that could make use of an existing irrigation abstraction licence, along with a desire to support the next generation, led to the Mee family…

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Do soya bean crops have a future in the UK?

Could soya beans eventually become a break crop of choice for UK growers? Currently, that’s difficult to believe with no more than 200ha grown in the UK last season –…


Spring cropping 2025: The crops farmers should consider

With spring approaching, farmers face crucial decisions about their cropping strategies and the added impact of the Autumn Budget means it is even more vital to pick money earning opportunities.…


How farmers can benefit from growing hemp market

Fast growing with break crop suitability, hemp can produce high-value fibres in a low-input system, with low nitrogen requirement, and minimal chemicals. But one of industrial hemp’s major downfalls is…


Wetter farming: Growing typha for the construction industry

Field trials at the Horsey Estate in the Broads National Park are under way as part of a project investigating the growing of wetland crops to be used in the…

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New winter malting barley variety gets full brewing approval

High-yielding winter barley variety Buccaneer has gained full approval for brewing – a welcome addition to what was an otherwise limited approved malting variety list. Buccaneer now joins Craft, Electrum…


Groundswell: Regen supply chains – will farmers see rewards?

A collaborative approach from all stakeholders is required if regenerative farming principles are going to become embedded in supply chains, urged both a multinational food company and a leading retailer…


Cereals 2024: Farmers to supply UK's largest quinoa firm

The UK’s largest quinoa producer, the British Quinoa Company, is looking to take on a limited number of additional growers next spring to meet growing demand within the human consumption…


Hemp growing made simpler with changes to licensing rules

Changes to hemp licensing rules are set to make it easier for farmers to plan their rotations, thereby making it a more viable break crop on UK farms. Hemp is…

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Video: UK agroforestry system integrates fruit and arable

First-generation tenant farmer Stephen Briggs planted the UK’s largest agroforestry system, integrating fruit trees and arable cropping to boost land productivity. More than a decade after the 4,500 apple trees…


Video: How to grow a cereal crop for seed

Cereal growers with clean weed-free ground could earn themselves a significant premium over the price of feed wheat and barley by growing crops for seed production. Prices of 10-12% over…

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