Know How / Dairy

In a tough dairy market, with growing volatility and uncertainty, our Know How area aims to help you make your dairy business more resilient and profitable.

This is your starting point for lowering your cost of production, improving grass from forage and reducing reliance on antibiotics and improving cow health and welfare.

Key areas of focus:

  • Reducing costs to deliver a profitable business
  • Improving cow comfort, health and welfare
  • Increasing milk from forage
  • Meeting milk contract requirements
  • Breeding cows to suit your system

Latest Know How


How an Irish dairy unit is using clover to target zero N

A good grass-growing farm – albeit one at altitude – has been gradually incorporating clover into its leys as part of its low-nitrogen grazing system. As a result, Bryan and…


Bluetongue virus: What to look out for and how to manage it

Bluetongue virus risk is at a seasonal low, but producers should be ready for that to change in spring. Bluetongue virus is an insect-borne disease that can affect all ruminants.…


In-parlour sniffer sensors could provide low-cost methane test

Sensors that sample cows’ breath while they are feeding in the milking parlour could provide a simpler and more accurate solution to monitoring methane emissions. The sniffer sensor technology has…


4 ways to overcome labour shortages on UK dairy farms

Automation, better staff packages, and using contractors could hold the key to addressing labour shortages on UK dairy farms. Olivia Ward, farm business adviser at GFW, explains that Brexit, which…

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