Know How / Dairy / Breeding and fertility

Good breeding and fertility management underpin profitable milk production in the dairy herd. Keep up with the latest information on dairy cow fertility, from genetics and genomics to heat detection, artificial insemination (AI), pregnancy diagnosis and calving intervals.

Case studies

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How a high-yielding dairy herd hits 1,000kg milk solids a cow

A multi-pronged approach with ration consistency and genetics at its core has helped the Campbell family increase kilos of fat and protein from 754kg to 1,000kg a cow since 2016.…


3 ways Gold Cup winner is hitting production targets

The right cow for the system, optimising grass utilisation and feeding cows well are the main success factors for achieving top levels of milk solids and production from forage. This…


How milk solids increased from fine-tuning genetic selection

Building up a spring-calving herd that produces a large proportion of its milk from grazed grass was a complete departure from David Homer’s previous way of breeding and farming his…


How a dairy farm pilot tackled conception and culling rates

Giving repeat breeders a holding injection after service has improved conception rates and reduced forced culls at New Manor Farm in Somerset. Like many dairy farmers, Martin Hawkins was frustrated…


Why heat detection collars save time in autumn-block herd

Tail paint, once the foundation of block-calving fertility, has been replaced by heat detection collars in one 260-cow herd in Somerset. The old go-to for identifying cows on heat proved…


How a spring-calving herd is driving genetic gain

Using genomics alongside three breeding indexes to select bulls has put a Welsh spring-calving herd in the top rankings for fertility and protein production. Rhys Davies, who milks 100 Holstein…

Practical advice

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Benefits of a post-calving vet check for herd health

A post-calving vet check not only helps prevent subclinical endometritis, but it also lets the farm vet keep track of a herd’s overall health status. It is not just at-risk…


5 heritable traits to improve mastitis and cell counts

Udder health traits can have a profound effect on milk price and herd profitability.  Genetics are among many factors that have helped improve udder health, such as better tools for…


How to get maiden heifers in-calf

Getting maiden heifers in-calf requires a farm-specific plan if an easy calving at 24 months of age, followed by a healthy, productive herd life, is to be achieved. Mating heifers…


Why refreshing cattle insemination technique matters

All-year-round calving herds carrying out their own inseminations need to ensure operators attend a refresher course at least every two years. For block-calving herds, it should be an annual event,…


Tips on managing sweeper bulls

To achieve good pregnancy rates, careful planning and consideration are required when using sweeper bulls.  Heat detection technology, coupled with the use of sexed semen, has meant that fewer sweeper…


Tips for ensuring cattle semen is stored safely and cleanly

How clean is the farm’s semen flask? Artificial insemination (AI) training, a starter pack including flask, guns and gloves, and a liquid nitrogen contract will fail to generate a return…


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Why genetics are critical for improving dairy cow fertility

Dairy cow fertility is at the heart of herd profitability, driving milk yields, cutting interventions and improving cow lifespans. Evidence supporting the role of genetics in improving fertility has accumulated…


High-yielding herds top efficiency stakes

High-yielding dairy herds are more feed-efficient than low-yielding herds, but improvements must be made in cow fertility and longevity to lower methane emissions. A study of 21 farms across five…


Why milking robots are a good fit for Iceland’s dairies

About half of all dairy cows in Iceland are now milked through robots, with the fast-paced adoption of technology allowing farmers to enjoy a more laid-back way of life. With…


Why big cows are inefficient and how to breed smaller stock

Cows are getting bigger. UK dairy farmers are feeding and managing the equivalent of nearly five extra cows for every 100 in their herds, compared with 30 years ago. And…


Dairy fertility research reveals potential for further gains

The use of novel traits could be a way to accelerate genetic gain, according to the findings of a research project from New Zealand. In New Zealand, the Breeding Worth…


How pedigree breeds have changed in each sector

We looked at the latest data and spoke to industry experts to find out more about the changing picture for pedigree animals. We look at the dairy, beef, sheep and…