Know How / Breeding and fertility

Case studies

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Shetland suckler herd targets fertility in simple system

Superstars are not wanted in Jamie Leslie’s 90-cow Angus suckler herd at Scholland Farm on Shetland. Breeding is kept simple with “nothing too fancy”, but a strong focus on fertility…


Ram alliance and outcross lift Devon breeder’s income

A Devon sheep breeder has used outcrossing and collaboration to lift income across his maternal and terminal stud flocks, respectively. Peregrine Aubrey, of Eastergrounds Farm, near Kingsbridge, has lifted prime…


How autumn flock resilience plan cuts lambing and cake bill

Prioritising fertility and challenging ewes to milk off forage has halved an autumn lambing flock’s labour requirement and saved on 27t of bought-in feed.  Focus has shifted from aiming for…


Why Angus breeder prioritises health and forage-only diets

High health status, easy calving genetics and performance from forage are the foundations of Angus Stovold’s Aberdeen Angus herd. His cattle, although largely sold for breeding, also have to succeed…


Farmer imports breed to lift wool cheque up to five-fold

A large-scale, low-input Romney breeder has added low-micron fleece to his breeding goals, with the aim of turning a loss-making wool enterprise into a profitable one. Frank Langrish, of Langrish…


How a Sutherland suckler herd achieved a compact calving

Scottish farmers Vic and Jason Ballantyne have condensed their calving period of 10 weeks in recent years, to seven weeks over the past two seasons. This is contributing to a…

Practical advice

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Benefits of a post-calving vet check for herd health

A post-calving vet check not only helps prevent subclinical endometritis, but it also lets the farm vet keep track of a herd’s overall health status. It is not just at-risk…


5 heritable traits to improve mastitis and cell counts

Udder health traits can have a profound effect on milk price and herd profitability.  Genetics are among many factors that have helped improve udder health, such as better tools for…


How to get maiden heifers in-calf

Getting maiden heifers in-calf requires a farm-specific plan if an easy calving at 24 months of age, followed by a healthy, productive herd life, is to be achieved. Mating heifers…


Why refreshing cattle insemination technique matters

All-year-round calving herds carrying out their own inseminations need to ensure operators attend a refresher course at least every two years. For block-calving herds, it should be an annual event,…


Tips on managing sweeper bulls

To achieve good pregnancy rates, careful planning and consideration are required when using sweeper bulls.  Heat detection technology, coupled with the use of sexed semen, has meant that fewer sweeper…


How lambing data helps closed flocks run smoother

A desire to safeguard flock health has seen a recent trend for closed flocks. This has been helped by the ability to monitor individual ewe and sire performance through ear…


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Suckler cow depreciation: Why it matters

Suckler producers looking to improve profitability should consider calculating cow depreciation and creating strategies to manage value loss in their herd. This is the advice of rancher and consultant Dallas…


Surrogate rams: An alternative to artificial insemination?

Surrogate rams could provide an alternative to artificial insemination, helping producers reach their sheep breeding goals, such as higher feed efficiency rates and lower environmental impact, more quickly. This could…


Why genetics are critical for improving dairy cow fertility

Dairy cow fertility is at the heart of herd profitability, driving milk yields, cutting interventions and improving cow lifespans. Evidence supporting the role of genetics in improving fertility has accumulated…


High-yielding herds top efficiency stakes

High-yielding dairy herds are more feed-efficient than low-yielding herds, but improvements must be made in cow fertility and longevity to lower methane emissions. A study of 21 farms across five…


Why "breed snobbery" could challenge liveweight sales

A desire to change the system, lower the cost base and move towards self-replacing maternal genetics has left some businesses in the cold when selling liveweight, Farmers Weekly has heard.…


How rising costs threaten future of Icelandic sheep farming

Tough and resilient – the farmers in Iceland are much like the sheep they have bred to cope with the rugged terrain and sub-Arctic winter conditions. But many, like 44-year-old…


Why milking robots are a good fit for Iceland’s dairies

About half of all dairy cows in Iceland are now milked through robots, with the fast-paced adoption of technology allowing farmers to enjoy a more laid-back way of life. With…


Why clear identification of polled genetics is needed

Disbudding calves is a challenging and expensive job and, as herds scale up and calving patterns tighten, it can put huge financial and time pressure on beef farmers. But, while…


Why animal health is key to improving sustainability

As farm vets working in practice in the UK, we have an essential role in ensuring that farming is part of the solution to the climate crisis. Vets are in…


The benefits of investing in a maternal ram

Advances in sheep production systems including flock identification, record-keeping, ultrasound scanning, handling systems and computing power have transformed our ability to use information to identify and breed from sheep with…