Know How / Spraying and spreading

Advice and tips

How to fit Avadex applicators to drills and Cambridge rolls

Growers planning to fit a granular applicator to their drill or Cambridge rolls need to make sure they are set up with a high-volume fan and wide-bore pipework to ensure…


How to retrofit old sprayers with automatic section control

Few people who have had a sprayer with auto-section control would consider going back to manual boom switching. Not only do these systems improve spraying accuracy and reduce overspray, but…


Advice on setting up the perfect umbilical slurry system

Spreading slurry through an umbilical system can be vastly more efficient than running tankers, but it’s not always a practical proposition for every farm, particularly those with outlying ground a…


Nozzle expert gives tips on more accurate spray application

Arable production across the prairies of western Canada might appear to have little in common with that of the UK, but they share one problem: how to increase sprayer productivity…

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Case studies


Cleanacres sprayer revived with home-made autosteer system

Keen to modernise spraying operations, but happy with the performance of their 1998 Cleanacres Atlas, David and Michael Edwards decided to treat it to some upgrades. Top of their wish…


Why Contractor of the Year opted for £25k Siwi quick hitch

There are many enjoyable tasks in farming, but wrestling with heavy, stiff pto shafts and soiling clean hands with oily hydraulic pipes that refuse to locate in their sockets definitely…


How a Berkshire contractor geared up for drone spraying

If you’ve had a go with a small consumer-type drone, it’s easy to understand why enthusiasts like Bracknell-based Steve Frost get hooked. They are relatively cheap, can capture great visuals…


Contractor transforms Hilux trucks into lightweight sprayers

The 1980s can keep its big hair and shoulder pads, but the 4x4-based, low-ground-pressure sprayer could be a trend worth reviving. One Lincolnshire contractor certainly thinks so. Only this time…

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Inventions Comp 2023: Mick Thompson's custom pumping trailer

Mick Thompson takes third place in the complex category of the 2023 Farmers Weekly Inventions Competition with his slurry-pumping trailer. Mr Thompson of Lancashire outfit Thompson Brothers built a remote-controlled…


Inventions Comp 2023: Self-propelled pump and tank

The runner-up of the complex category of the 2023 Farmers Weekly Inventions Competition is Alistair Craig with his lorry slurry pumping trailer. Remote umbilical slurry pumping trailers and nurse tanks…


FW Inventions Comp 2022: DJ's starter fert applicator

DJ's starter fert applicator is the winner of the intermediate category in our Farmers Weekly Inventions Competition 2022. Derek Howard, known as DJ, of Alton-based contractor Scribeland, built a starter…


Inventions Comp 2020: Fertiliser bogie slashes power use

Owen Wilks’ Fertable fertiliser bogie placed third in the intermediate category of the Farmers Weekly inventions competition. One of this year’s most experienced entrants is 80-year-old Owen Wilks, who has…

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SoilEssentials' Skai spot-sprayer cuts chemical use

Aware of the dearth of options for tackling pernicious grassland weeds without clobbering clover, Charlie Murray went in search of a solution. The core of his Clyde Agriculture business, which…


Aussies offer spot-spraying system for autonomous tractors

A new AutoFill docking system for SwarmFarm Robotics’ autonomous pivot-steer tractor units means they can top up their spray tanks without human intervention. Once the liquid level falls below a…

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Richard Western introduces simpler-spec Delilah spreader

Trailer and muckspreader maker Richard Western has trimmed the size and spec of its Delilah vertical beater models to produce slimmer and “more affordable” versions for farms that do not…


Greencrop adds models and features to vacuum tanker range

Greencrop’s vacuum tanker range has been expanded with new models and added features. The business – part of the Ben Burgess Group – specialises in irrigation, slurry and dirty water…


Bigger 20t Xcel 2050 muckspreader joins Hi-Spec range

Hi-Spec has added a second Xcel rear discharge muckspreader to its range, and it offers significantly more carrying capacity than before. The new 2050 is good for 20t of material,…


KME develops all-in-one slurry pump and compressor

Slurry contractors keen to shave a few minutes off their umbilical set-up time might be tempted by the combined pump and compressor assembly developed by County Kerry-based KME Agri. The…

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Test and reviews


First impressions: McConnel's bigger and heavier Agribuggy

At what point is a small, lightweight self-propelled sprayer no longer small or lightweight? The McConnel Agribuggy has defined this relatively niche segment since its inception in the early 1980s…


Champion operator rates Chafer and Bateman self-propelleds

Buyers of the biggest self-propelled sprayers are being seduced by a seemingly ever-growing list of optional extras that promise to improve accuracy, spray efficacy and ease of use. The pinnacle…


Norfolk grower rates UK's first Mazzotti 4080 sprayer

Since John Deere snapped up Mazzotti in 2017 it has been busy administering a series of green injections to the Italian maker’s range of self-propelled sprayers. The Deerification has been…


Driver's view: Rob Hadley rates Grim self-propelled sprayer

Never one to shy away from a lesser-known brand, Warwickshire mixed farmer Rob Hadley has taken a punt on the first Italian-built Grim self-propelled sprayer to be brought into the…

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Video: Horsch reveal drilling innovations and tillage tweaks

German implement maker Horsch is experiencing strong UK sales from its tillage and crop protection machines. However, with the uncertainty surrounding glyphosate regulation and Brexit, the company thinks that exploring…


Video: How nozzle choice affects spray quality and efficacy

Selecting the appropriate sprayer nozzle for pre-emergence weed control is an important step in cutting spray drift and maximising the efficacy of the chemicals being applied. There are four key…

Video: Cereals sprayers in action

Manufacturers flocked from far and wide to demonstrate their latest machines in the Sprays and Sprayers arena at this year’s Cereals event. From the smallest mounted units to the largest…


3 Cereals videos: Top tractors, cultivation kit and sprayers

Machinery makers from across the globe flocked to Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire this week (10-15 June) for the annual Cereals 2015 event. We captured a few highlights from the tractor manufacturers, cultivation…

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