All articles about Muckspreaders

New product and user experience reports keep abreast of spreaders for biosolids – farmyard manure, cattle muck, pig muck and chicken litter – from Abbey, Bergmann, Bunning, Conor, Hi-Spec, K-Two, Marshall, Redrock, Richard Western, Rolland, Samson, Shelbourne, Teagle, Tebbe and West.

Case studies


Kent contractor develops driven-axle spreader

Compost, manure, lime, fertiliser, chicken pellets, fibrophos... you name it, Richard Moon’s home-built spreader can apply it – deposited in strips or chucked out in a 10m wide band. Based…


Farm-built dribble bar improves contractor's slurry accuracy

It wasn’t that long ago that slurry was considered a nuisance rather than a commodity, constantly threatening to overwhelm the lagoons and towers built to contain it. But as on-farm…


Video: Contractor rates his high-tech slurry injection kit

Digestate and slurry spreading might once have been deemed an inconvenient clear-out exercise, but its potential for cheap crop nutrition and tighter regulations governing its disposal mean it is now…


Moscha swivel spreader - a cheaper option to dribble bars

Setting up an energy plant along with all the kit to go with it takes some Brexit-style negotiating with the bank, but Edd Mowbray found a Leicestershire farmer who does…

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Bigger 20t Xcel 2050 muckspreader joins Hi-Spec range

Hi-Spec has added a second Xcel rear discharge muckspreader to its range, and it offers significantly more carrying capacity than before. The new 2050 is good for 20t of material,…


Grippier lug for Agriflex+ 377XT spreader tyre

Lugs with a ledge is a key visual feature of a new tyre from Alliance designed primarily for self-propelled sprayers, and lime, fertiliser and manure spreaders needing a combination of…


Lamma 2024: SpreadPoint debuts rear-discharge muckspreader

The first rear-discharge muckspreader from Northern Irish outfit SpreadPoint comes with some neat features to help tempt buyers away from more established brands. These include automatically adjusting bed chains fitted…


Bunning ups Lowlander output with disc-spreading HBD models

Farmers and contractors wanting a relatively compact manure spreader with the discharge performance of a larger machine have an option in Bunning’s Lowlander HBD disc-spreading series. The Norfolk-based manufacturer builds…

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Video: Contractor rates his high-tech slurry injection kit

Digestate and slurry spreading might once have been deemed an inconvenient clear-out exercise, but its potential for cheap crop nutrition and tighter regulations governing its disposal mean it is now…


Moscha swivel spreader - a cheaper option to dribble bars

Setting up an energy plant along with all the kit to go with it takes some Brexit-style negotiating with the bank, but Edd Mowbray found a Leicestershire farmer who does…

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