Video: How nozzle choice affects spray quality and efficacy

Selecting the appropriate sprayer nozzle for pre-emergence weed control is an important step in cutting spray drift and maximising the efficacy of the chemicals being applied.
There are four key factors that affect spray quality and efficacy – forward speed, boom height, water volume and nozzle choice.
In a series of videos to be released in the coming weeks, Syngenta application specialists Jamie Marshall Roberts and James Thomas appear as comical duo the Spray Dudes to talk about best practice when spraying.
See also: Video – How to set up a crop sprayer
In the first short video to be released, the Spray Dudes illustrate how the various types of nozzles available to growers can influence the spray droplets as they leave the sprayer boom and fly towards the target using a variety of different-sized balls.
While presented in a fun and entertaining way, each video has a clear and serious message at its heart, focused on helping growers and sprayer operators get the most from every pre-emergence herbicide application for improved blackgrass control.
Watch the video below as the Spray Dudes throw everything from ping pong balls to footballs at each other as they demonstrate how different nozzle types can affect spray coverage at the pre-emergence timing.