Know How / Wheat / Crop management

Every season throws up its challenges when it comes to managing wheat crops for optimum performance, from seasonal factors influencing diseases, such as septoria, and pest pressures to weed control and the ever-present challenge of blackgrass. Stay up-to-date with the latest thinking on wheat crop agronomy and how new technologies are being applied to solve complex issues.

Case studies

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Grower phases out herbicides in favour of mechanical weeding

As herbicide efficacy dwindles and fears of resistance build, East Yorkshire farmer Jonathan Hodgson turned to mechanical weeding as an additional weed control method. Recent dry spring conditions have provided…


Wheat grower goes for broad-spectrum disease control at T1

Suffolk wheat grower Richard Duchesne looks to select an early fungicide spray with a good broad-spectrum of disease control, and is pleased with his first use of the new SDHI…


How a farm cut nitrogen by 60kg N/ha with no yield detriment

An Oxfordshire farm has successfully slashed nitrogen rates by 60kg N/ha with no yield detriment thanks to the addition of a carbon rich crop spray and urease inhibitor to each…


Eliminating chemicals helps future-proof pig and arable farm

Nick Dymond’s journey to chemical-free crop production began 10 years ago when he decided to escape the chemical conveyor belt and focus on soil health at the family pig and…


Dorset grower hopes for lift from septoria-hitting SDHI

Bob Rowe is turning to a new hard-hitting septoria fungicide across all his 700ha of winter wheat at the crucial T2 flag leaf timing later this month to gain from…


Will Arable Insights Farmers cut fungicide spend this season?

Should growers consider reducing fungicide spend given the state of this year’s wheat crops? Farmers Weekly asks our Arable Insights Farmer panel about their disease control plans. Scotland: David Fuller-Shapcott…

Practical advice

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Plans to revitalise wheat after wet winter on Somerset farm

Crops are off to a soggy start at the Doble family farm in Somerset, after yet another wet winter which saw annual rainfall exceed the farm’s 10-year average. Last year,…


Fungicide tips for variable wheat this spring

With winter wheat at a wide range of growth stages coming out of winter, extra care will be needed to manage crop development and disease pressure this spring. Such variability…


How to manage Cheer wheat to maximise yields and quality

Farmers growing Cheer milling wheat for the first time this season are being advised to tailor their disease and growth regulation strategies according to drilling date. This approach will enable…


Agronomist tips for managing late-drilled wheat

Be prepared to be flexible in your approach to managing later-drilled winter wheat crops after the planting delays caused by the wet start to autumn, a leading agronomist is urging.…


5 tips for achieving successful residual herbicides sprays

Following a high grassweed pressure season, growers will need to pay extra attention to achieve effective weed control, particularly if drilling early. Farmers Weekly looks at five top tips for…


What to consider if tempted to drill winter wheat early

Winter wheat growers may be tempted to establish crops earlier this autumn following last season’s washout conditions, but experienced agronomists and crop consultants are reminding farmers of the potential risks…


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How tech trial is helping Lincs estate improve wheat inputs

Lessons learned from a technology trial are being rolled out across the rest of the cropping area on one Lincolnshire Estate, as part of an ongoing drive to improve nitrogen…


What the latest fungicides bring to wheat disease strategies

Arriving at different stages of the season and in various guises and quantities, both Bayer’s Iblon and Syngenta’s Adepidyn were available for the first time in 2024. This brough two…


Colder winter reduces brown rust threat for 2025

A mild winter, stressed crops and delayed spray applications all played their part in the brown rust situation that developed in the 2024 growing season, with the disease uncharacteristically being…


How microbial seed dressing helps cut nitrogen fertiliser

An increasing number of farmers are looking to cut their reliance on bagged nitrogen fertiliser, and trials suggest a microbial seed treatment could help them achieve this without affecting cereal…


New cereal fungicide gives strong performance in AHDB trials

Independent trials for the recently authorised cereal fungicide Plaxium reveal that the three-way mix gave strong broad-spectrum disease control across winter wheat and winter barley. In autumn 2023, Bayer launched the SDHI…


Wheat growers urged to remain vigilant for yellow and brown rust

No major breakdowns in varietal resistance to yellow or brown rust occurred last year, but the dynamic nature of pathogen populations means that growers and agronomists must remain vigilant and…


Why ergot contamination of grain is higher than expected

Grower guidelines for managing ergot are to be updated by the AHDB, following a steep rise in the incidence of the pathogen over the past three years and confirmation that…


How low-input spring cereals SFI action may fit this spring

Low-input harvested spring cereal crops supported by the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) action AHW10 could be a good option for growers in 2025, given the payment rate of £354/ha. Use…


AHDB fungicide data reveal how new products performed

The AHDB’s fungicide performance trials confirm that the new SHDI fungicide from Syngenta is a valuable addition for septoria control. Approved in April 2024, Miravis Plus also offers a step…


Improved BYDV tool to give cereal growers better control

Winter cereal growers are set to see a more accurate warning system next season for a key aphid-spread disease. The AHDB’s new Acrobat tool will give a more precise forecast…


How new herbicide will benefit growers in autumn 2025

A new co-formulated pre-emergence herbicide based on two new active ingredients is expected to be available in time for autumn 2025 cereal drillings, reports manufacturer FMC. With one of the…


Cereal seed treatments for farmers to consider this autumn

Seed treatments have many roles, which include fungicide dressings, nutritional enhancers, and in more recent years, the arrival of biological treatments have been added to some agronomy plans. So as…

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