Know How / Harvest and crop storage Case studiesSee all HARVESTCombining almost complete in a variable harvestCombines are slowly being packed away across the UK, although some crops are still waiting patiently to be cut as the weather proves problematic. See also: Harvest highs and lows from… HARVESTHarvest 24: End in sight as farmers make progress in dry spellAs much of the cereal harvest draws to a close thanks to a spell of dry weather, farmers reflect on a difficult season, with many looking ahead to next year… HARVESTHarvest highs and lows from Arable Insights farmer panelAfter a difficult season, what has the combine delivered for our eight Arable Insights growers? Farmers Weekly caught up with them to see how the harvest has progressed. See also:… HARVEST100% success for companion cropped OSR in 12-year rotationCompanion cropping oilseed rape as part of a 12-year rotation resulted in a 100% establishment rate at a farm in Suffolk, with harvest yields just shy of 4t/ha. A total… HARVEST AND CROP STORAGESelling direct to local feed mill saves storage and dryingA 30-year partnership with a local grain store and feed mill has proved to be a long-term sustainable grain marketing strategy for one farming estate on the east coast of… HARVESTMixed start to harvest with weather delays and disappointing yie...Harvest has got off to a mixed start across the southern half of the UK, with some crops proving very disappointing and others a pleasant surprise. See also: 3… Practical adviceSee all CROP MANAGEMENTAdvice for growers dealing with ergot this harvestThe fungal pathogen ergot is reported to be widespread across UK cereals this harvest, with some growers identifying the disease for the first time in decades. The greater incidence is… POTATOESShould you use DMN in potato stores this season?Processing potato growers had a positive experience with a new potato sprout suppressant last year, with the product achieving good sprout control in very challenging circumstances. However, pre-pack growers are… ARABLE14 ways to stay safe this harvest Harvest is often an intense time for farmers and their families, with a dangerous cocktail of long working hours, large machinery and pressure to meet deadlines. CXCS health and safety adviser Emily Jones shares some simple steps to… MARKET OPPORTUNITIESStrategy pointers for selling grain in a volatile marketWheat growers are being urged to calculate their cost of production before selling any grain for harvest 2023, as input costs have risen sharply while wheat prices have drifted lower.… HARVESTAdvice on reducing harvest losses in oilseed rapeGetting pre-harvest management of OSR crops right is essential for minimising harvest losses, which is not just money down the drain, but creates volunteer problems for years to come. Losses… SUGAR BEETAdvice on clamping sugar beet for optimal harvest storageThis year’s sugar beet harvest campaign is now under way, and a shortage of HGV drivers is expected to limit crop collection times, which may force some beet growers to… InsightsSee all HARVESTHow new technology enables yield mapping for root cropsIn-field yield mapping of root crops, such as sugar beet and potatoes, is tricky compared with grain crops, not least because of the added complication of soil attached to the… WHEATWheat variety winners and losers in challenging seasonWheat variety performance in 2024 was affected by the double whammy of terrible growing conditions and high disease pressure, making it a more complicated story than usual. There’s no doubt… HARVESTHarvest 2024: The 5 top-yielding spring barley varieties mapThroughout harvest 2024, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from 2024’s AHDB spring barley Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find the five… HARVESTHarvest 2024: The 5 top-yielding winter wheat varieties mapThroughout the harvest season, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from the AHDB's 2024 wheat Recommended List (RL) harvest results. Use the map below to find… HARVESTHarvest 24: 5 top-yielding winter OSR varietiesThroughout the harvest season, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from the AHDB’s 2024 oilseed rape Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find… HARVESTHarvest 2024: The 5 top-yielding winter barley varieties mapThroughout harvest 2024, we are updating our handy interactive map with the latest data from the AHDB's winter barley Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find the… ARABLE9 steps to obtain accurate combine yield data this harvestCombine yield data is increasingly being used to make decisions, but a number of factors can lead to inaccurate maps. Paul Spackman takes a look Yield mapping has become an… POTATOESPotato growers urged to provide CIPC data to secure storesPotato growers have been invited to submit their potato residue test results to a cross-industry body, to help secure the future use of stores previously treated with the sprout suppressant… HARVESTHarvest 2023: The 5 top-yielding spring barley varieties mapThroughout harvest 2023, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from 2023’s AHDB spring barley Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find the five… HARVESTHarvest 2023: The 5 top-yielding winter wheat varieties mapThroughout the harvest season, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from 2023’s AHDB wheat Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find the five… HARVESTHarvest 2023: The 5 top-yielding winter barley varieties mapThroughout harvest 2023, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from 2023’s AHDB winter barley Recommended List harvest results. Use the map below to find the five… TECHNOLOGYHow FieldView's real-time data can help farmers this harvestThere’s no busier time on the farming calendar than harvest, so being able to make instant decisions on grain storage and marketing options can be hugely beneficial. And that is… External resources AHDB Grain storage guide Good storage practice for cereals and oilseed rape View guide HSE Grain dust Safety guidance to protects you from exposure to grain dustView guide AHDB Grain sampling guide How to accurately assess grain quality and conditionView guide AIC grain passport Combinable Crops Passport for download/use. Includes explanatory notes on new passport requirementsDownload