Know How / Wheat

In a competitive cereals market, our wheat page aims to help you grow a more profitable crop in the face of rising costs and volatile grain markets.

This is your starting point for addressing challenges such as fungicide and weed resistance, integrating different cultivation techniques, exploring precision farming and protecting the environment.

Key areas of focus:

  • Getting establishment right
  • Planning fungicide strategy
  • Assessing fertiliser requirements
  • Keeping on top of blackgrass
  • Choosing the right varieties for the right market

Latest Know How


Wheat growers urged to remain vigilant for yellow and brown rust

No major breakdowns in varietal resistance to yellow or brown rust occurred last year, but the dynamic nature of pathogen populations means that growers and agronomists must remain vigilant and…


Why a long-term no-tiller is ploughing again on heavy soils

For more than 20 years, a bare brown field has not been seen on Motts Farm on the Dengie peninsula in Essex, with crops established using zero tillage. But that…


How a farm cut nitrogen by 60kg N/ha with no yield detriment

An Oxfordshire farm has successfully slashed nitrogen rates by 60kg N/ha with no yield detriment thanks to the addition of a carbon rich crop spray and urease inhibitor to each…


Why ergot contamination of grain is higher than expected

Grower guidelines for managing ergot are to be updated by the AHDB, following a steep rise in the incidence of the pathogen over the past three years and confirmation that…

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Milling wheat (ÂŁ/t ex-farm)
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Feed wheat (ÂŁ/t ex-farm)
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