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What is the risk of yellow rust for 2025?

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Syngenta is one of the world’s leading agricultural companies, comprising of crop protection and seeds. Our ambition is to safely help feed the world while taking care of the planet.

Yellow rust primarily impacts wheat crops and can cause significant economic impacts with reports of up to 50% yield loss when left untreated.

Calculating the risk of yellow rust

To help predict and calculate risk, Syngenta uses an inoculum prediction model running up to T0 timing. Comparing the data from January and February 2024 to 2025 gives us insights into what the season might hold.

Graphic of data showing Yellow Rust pressure building throughout 2024 January into February whereas in 2025 it is slightly declining

© Syngenta

Yellow rust pressure appears to build throughout 2024 January into February whereas in 2025 it is slightly declining, most likely due to cooler temperatures in January this year.

However, the risk is still present and changing environmental conditions can increase the risk as we move through the season.

Farmers should continue to monitor their fields and look out for the key signs to stay one step ahead of this disease.

Monitor crops for signs of yellow rust

The key characteristics of yellow rust are yellow-orange pustules arranged in distinctive stripes on the leaves of the plant. It can also develop in foci, which are concentrated areas within the crop, making it potentially harder to spot in its early stages.

The disease favours moist, cool conditions and can develop rapidly under these optimal conditions.

Certain varieties are more susceptible to yellow rust and may warrant a planned T0/T1 approach. More resistant varieties should be monitored and treated to in-field disease levels.

Yellow Rust in Wheat

Yellow Rust in Wheat © Syngenta

Control yellow rust early for best results

Early yellow rust prevention is critical, especially in susceptible varieties and backward crops. It is an unpredictable disease that can colonise rapidly and severely reduce yield.

Early protection is crucial to maintaining green leaf area and yield. If you wait until T2 timing, significant yield loss can have already occurred.

Applying the right product at the T1 timing is critical to providing long-lasting protection ahead of the T2 application. This ensures that T2 applications can focus on septoria control.

Elatus® Era is a proven force against yellow rust

Solatenol® is the SDHI component within Elatus® Era. It works by disrupting respiration within the fungal hyphae, starving them of the energy they need to survive.

Tried and tested, it is the leading fungicide for yellow rust control.

Untreated vs Elatus® Era. Yellow Rust at T1. Rougham trial site. 2022. Variety: Skyfall, Winter Wheat.

Untreated vs Elatus® Era. Yellow Rust at T1. Rougham trial site. 2022. Variety: Skyfall, Winter Wheat © Syngenta

Independent trials

The AHDB fungicide performance 3-year average data (2022-2024) for product performance on yellow rust demonstrates that Solatenol® is the most potent active ingredient on this disease.

When compared to leading competitors, Solatenol®, the active SDHI of Elatus® Era, consistently showed the best disease control and highest yield responses.

View the dose response curves on the AHDB knowledge library

What do the experts say?

Jason Tatnell, Syngenta technical manager, stated that “Solatenol remains by far the most potent yellow rust material that we have available”.

Find out more on the Syngenta website

ELATUS® Era is a Registered Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ELATUS ERA (MAPP 17889) contains benzovindiflupyr +prothioconazole.

All other brand names used are Trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist.

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