Know How / Business management

Agriculture is changing rapidly so farmers need the right mix of practical, financial and management skills to drive their businesses forward.

This page will help improve your day-to-day decision-making through better measuring and monitoring, as well as looking at what to consider if making more strategic decisions such as buying land or diversifying.

Key areas of focus:

  • Budgeting, benchmarking and business planning advice
  • Getting the right business structure in place
  • People management and staffing issues
  • How to approach succession planning
  • Expert advice from the Business Clinic team

Latest Know How


Advice on basic cybersecurity steps for farm businesses

Small things can make a big difference in protecting a business and individuals from cyberattacks, says police Det Supt Patrick Milford. Patrick is director of the South East Cyber Resilience…


Why farming needs to pay more attention to cyberattack risk

Food and farming’s vulnerability to disruption by cyberattack is increasing as more functions and kit are operated remotely and the sophistication of attackers grows. Artificial intelligence (AI) is moving the…


How a wine business managed challenges of expansion

Halfpenny Green Wine Estate at Bobbington in Staffordshire is run by husband-and-wife team Clive and Lisa Vickers. The 20ha holding has grown from a hobby area of vines planted in…


How agricultural mentoring can benefit farm businesses

Amid the many challenges facing the farming industry, mentoring initiative Cultivate Success is empowering individuals with a six-month programme that aims to build resilience, foster leadership, and strengthen community spirit.…

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