All articles about Cultivators

Explore the features of tine and disc cultivators for shallow tillage, deep cultivation and subsoiling, for creating fine seedbeds to encourage seed germination, power- and ground-driven rotary cultivators for straw, stubble and crop residue incorporation and to cut crop establishment costs.

Advice and tips


Tips for picking the best cultivator wearing metal

Replacing cultivator legs, wings and points can be a depressingly regular and ruinously expensive pastime for those working in the nation’s most abrasive soils. But instead of hunting around for…


6 ways to improve autumn soil cultivation regimes

Many operators can be guilty of pulling the cultivator out the shed, heading to the field and cracking on with ground work, with the only parameter of success the sight…


How, why and when to mole drain

Soggy fields, ruts deeper than your wellies and bubbling water from broken drains are all telltale signs your field drainage could do with a boost. It’s only in a wet…


Latest high-speed disc cultivators set to work at Tillage-Live

Designed primarily for shallow cultivation of stubbles, the short disc cultivator, has become an increasingly popular farming tool – and so the makes, models, features and options available have multiplied. Underlining their appeal,…

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Case studies


Versatile Guttler cultivator-cum-drill works for Suffolk farm

Dismal weather and claggy soil conditions last autumn left Richard Ling hunting around for a drill that was light footed enough to get crops off to a respectable start. The…


How Essex farmer adapted one cultivator to do four jobs

Armed with an ageing Vaderstad Carrier and yard full of scavenged parts, Andrew Metson has created a multi-use tillage tool that can also double up as a seeder. Originally purchased…


Growers opt for front subsoilers to save time and cash

Saving a pass. It’s a short phrase made up of short words. But it represents the potential to make significant cuts to man-hours, fuel use, and tractor wear and tear…


How to adapt cut-price cultivators to low-disturbance system

When Michael and Will Scholey decided it was time to stop damaging their ground with high horsepower tracked crawlers and deep, intensive cultivation, they drafted in some expert help. This…

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Inventions Comp 2025: John Roberts' steep land cultivator

John Roberts won third place in our intermediate category. Not to be beaten by a seemingly unfarmable gradient, the Powys hill farmer assembled this heavy-duty steep land cultivator. The 3m-wide…


Inventions Comp 2024: Andrew Metson’s Vaderstad Carrier

By treating his 24-year-old 5m Vaderstad Carrier to a series of upgrades, Andrew Metson has created a multi-use cultivator that can double up as a cover crop drill. In its…


Inventions Comp 2021: Craig Peddie’s high-speed Seedtilla

Craig Peddie’s Seedtilla The 5m hydraulic folding Seedtilla is Craig Peddie’s answer to high-speed shallow cultivations. Built during the spring lockdown to fill the void of his drastically curtailed social…

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How strip-cultivating power tillers can offer cost savings

Does it really make sense to cultivate where only weeds are going to grow? Or create a soil structure vulnerable to a period of heavy rain just as the field…


Buyer's guide: 7 UK-made mole plough options and prices

Even the fanciest field drainage system relies on a periodic pass with a mole plough to keep it performing at its best. Never is this more apparent than a wet…


Chain-linked disc harrows offer speedy stubble management

Chain-linked disc cultivators have yet to take off in the UK, but their simplicity, moderate power requirement and ability to incorporate stubbles at high speeds could change that. The versatility…


Side-shift linkage options deliver pinpoint crop weeding

Razor-sharp RTK guidance systems have nailed the art of driving tractors in arrow-straight lines, but they can’t deal with the inevitable wandering of implements on undulating ground and in changeable…

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Einbock to offer weed-killing shallow stubble cultivator

Einbock tillage and weeding equipment importer Terrington Machinery plans to add the Austrian manufacturer’s new Razor cultivator to its portfolio once fieldwork with a number of pre-production examples has been…


Claydon offers NutriSeeder applicator for 7.5m Straw Harrow

Quick, cheap and timely cover crop establishment are the attractions of the NutriSeeder applicator developed specifically for Claydon’s 7.5m Straw Harrow. Two versions are available – one with a single…


Lamma 2025: NRH returns with new low-disturbance subsoiler

Yorkshire outfit NRH Engineering, maker of presses, packers, Cambridge rolls and piggyback drill cultivators, returned to Lamma with a new low-disturbance subsoiler. The Tremor is a slimmed-down alternative to the…


Lamma 2025: GST Biostar rotary hoe weeds and seeds

The Biostar from Danish firm GST is another take on the rotary hoe. It can be adapted to suit different conditions, with the springs switched on each of the hinged…

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Test and reviews


Spirit fertiliser and seed into place

Growers in Scotland who like to put down some fertiliser with their cereal seed will welcome the  the Spirit Next System Disc Combo (SDC). Using standard components throughout, the SDC…

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Video: At the Auctions - Rainthorpe Farms sale

Farmers arrived from all corners of the country to see 375 lots get knocked down at one of the largest arable estates in recent years. Farmers Weekly was on hand…


Video: Grower cuts fuel costs as new drill hits blackgrass

The need to slash soaring fuel costs while tackling blackgrass at the same time has led to a wholesale change in establishment system on one Leicestershire estate. Farming 1,130ha of…

Tillage Event 2009

The two Tillage 2009 events take place at Down Ampney, Cirencester, Gloucestershire on 15 September and Kelso, Roxburghshire on 1 October. Both events offer farmers a great chance to see the latest…

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