Know How / ELM

The Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme will replace basic payments to farmers in England. The scheme will provide payments for farming that improves the environment and mitigates climate change, such as hedge planting and river management.

We explain the details as they emerge to help farmers understand how they will qualify for payments under the scheme.

Advice and tips


A guide to staying SFI compliant

Unlike more rigid support schemes of the past, the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is all about giving farmers greater flexibility to make actions work for their farm, while simultaneously delivering…


How SFI grassy corners and blocks can work most effectively

Grassy corners and blocks are perhaps potentially one of simplest of all the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) options to implement, but, as ever, to deliver the maximum benefit for the…


How to bounce back from bad weather and drop in farm support

Labelled as a perfect storm, declining support payments, a new government, extreme weather and market disruption have combined to cause uncertainty and put incomes under pressure in 2024. Transition from…


How to maximise SFI herbal leys in arable rotations

About 175,000ha of SAM3 herbal leys are due to be grown in Sustainable Farming Incentive 2023 (SFI23) schemes, according to the figures released by Defra for agreements reached by the…

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Case studies


How SFI actions closely align with Herefordshire mixed farm

Chris Greenaway, farm manager at Garnstone Farms in Herefordshire is advising farmers to make the most of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), given the accelerated reduction in Basic Payment Scheme…


Why simple herbal ley mix benefits Durham mixed farm

Government clarification that growing one herb, one legume, and one grass together qualifies as a herbal ley under the Sustainable Farming Incentive is grist to the mill of a County…


How nature focus helps profits rise on east Kent farm

A switch to nature-friendly farming is boosting profitability on one east Kent farm, with inputs slashed, soils improved and price premiums gained as grain yields are held at high levels.…


How a regen farm is reducing inputs to meet SFI targets

The drive to reduce the use of artificial inputs is under way at Raby Farms in County Durham, with the business recognising the economic and environmental benefits of being less…

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Welsh Sustainable Farming Scheme: All you need to know

A year later than expected, the stage is now set for a 2026 launch of the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) in Wales. Beset by delays and a not insubstantial measure…


How low-input spring cereals SFI action may fit this spring

Low-input harvested spring cereal crops supported by the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) action AHW10 could be a good option for growers in 2025, given the payment rate of £354/ha. Use…


SFI 2024 update: All you need to know

Starting your Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) journey is becoming an increasingly urgent task for farm businesses looking to increase resilience and improve cashflow. SFI has been through multiple revisions since…


SFI 2024 changes: What they mean for arable farmers

Arable farmers considering the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) 2024 scheme are being reminded that changes to actions and agreements were introduced in early August. The Defra update provided some…

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Defra unveils £30m HLS uplift and capital grants reopening

Defra secretary Steve Reed has announced a £30m increase in payment rates for existing Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) agreements and the reopening of the capital grants scheme this summer. The…


SFI applicants thwarted by 'historic importance' designations

Livestock farmers across England are finding that their Sustainable Farming Incentive options are being limited, due to the presence of features of historic importance being listed on their land. The…


Delays to CS Mid Tier payment deepen cashflow crisis

Cash-strapped farmers in England who are still awaiting their Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier payments are being urged by Rural Payment Agency officials to contact the Farming Community Network charity for…


Farmers frustrated by limited Defra support schemes

Farmers across England are raising concerns over the limited scope of Defra’s funding schemes, with many feeling sidelined unless they focus on woodland creation. Despite recent government claims of record…

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Video: Trade and food security top concerns for Lib Dems

The Liberal Democrats have passed a wide-ranging motion pledging better support for British farmers to produce food more sustainably, protect the environment and uphold their high standards in trade deals.…

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