Know How / Oilseed rape Dive deeper Variety selection Establishment Crop management Harvest and storage Must reads Which IPM options are best to manage cabbage stem flea beetle? Late-drilled oilseed rape escapes high flea beetle pressure 100% success rate for companion-cropped oilseed rape Flea beetle and herbicide benefits of OSR and companion crops External resources AHDB Oilseed rape growth guide Understanding the key growth stages of oilseed rapeView guide AHDB Oilseed rape diseases Management guidance for oilseed rape diseasesView guide AHDB Erucic acid in oilseed rape Guidelines to minimise the risk of erucic acid in double-low oilseed rapeView guide AHDB Pre-harvest glyphosate Best practice for timing glyphosate application in oilseed rapeView guide Latest oilseed rape Know How articles OILSEED RAPEAnalysis: Signs of cautious optimism for oilseed rape?After another challenging growing season and a further 17% fall in area, the UK’s winter oilseed rape crop for harvest 2025 is the smallest since 1983. Higher risk, lower reward… ROTATIONSAHDB analysis: The merits of SFI break crop alternativesFinding a reliable break crop in the arable rotation is an ongoing challenge. Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions, such as herbal leys or legume fallows could be an alternative, especially… OILSEED RAPEData reveals cost of oilseed rape failuresHaving an effective plan B is vital when growing oilseed rape, as making the wrong decision when redrilling a failed crop can cost farmers up to £674/ha in lost margins,… OILSEED RAPEDrilling regime and companion crop achieve high OSR yieldsFarm manager David Northway’s oilseed rape harvest hit a top yield of 5t/ha in the summer, his highest for nearly 50 years. This was achieved on the farm between Fordingbridge… More articles