Know How / BPS

We bring you the latest news on the delivery of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

See updates and advice on how to apply for the BPS, discover how to avoid some of the common problems which could hold up your claim and track payment progress as the year progresses.

Advice and tips


Advice on the delinked payment transfer market

Farmers in England who want to transfer or sell any of their delinked payment reference data have only a short window in which to do so. The window for transfers…


BPS application tips and reminders for 2024

There are different approaches to the Basic Payment Scheme claims system in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, with changes this year in some nations that farmers need to be aware…


Delinked payments: Information statements explained

Farmers in England should now all have received a delinked payments information statement, the details of which need to be checked over and followed up on before the end of…


Delinked payments: Advice on transfers, land sales, and FBTs

Delinked payments will replace Basic Payment Scheme income in England next year. The RPA is gearing up to send out delinked payments information statements to eligible former BPS claimants. These…

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Case studies


Why one Essex arable farm faces difficult decisions in 2025

Essex farmer Tom Streeter admits that he and his brother Will have some difficult decisions to make about the future of the family farming business, having looked at the details…


How the Monitor farms plan to restructure to fill BPS gap

Making significant savings and finding other income streams are the two top priorities for the four East Midlands Monitor Farms, as they plan for the post-Brexit future. The loss of…


How a Sussex arable farmer is preparing for the ELM scheme

Taking 16% of his arable land out of production and introducing measures which will improve the farm’s natural capital are how West Sussex grower Mark Chandler is preparing his arable…


Future of subsidies: Collaborate to cope with lower support

In the second of our series on coping with lower subsidies, David Jones talks to one arable farmer, who is also chairman of his local grain co-operative, about his long-term plans…

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Analysis: Time for a closer look as SFI opens for business

With the latest iteration of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) due to open for applicants on Monday (18 September), a growing number of farmers in England will be asking themselves…


Analysis: What Defra’s ELM update means for farmers

Six years in the making, it is finally here. Defra has given farmers in England much-needed clarity on how it plans to support them to deliver environmental outcomes which underpin…


LFA and 'coupled' supports at risk in Scottish policy plans

Money paid to Scottish farmers in the form of less favoured area (LFA) support and as “coupled” aid to suckler beef and upland sheep producers must be retained as direct…

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Delays to CS Mid Tier payment deepen cashflow crisis

Cash-strapped farmers in England who are still awaiting their Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier payments are being urged by Rural Payment Agency officials to contact the Farming Community Network charity for…


Diversification is key to farm survival, says Defra

The key to increasing productivity and viability is to diversify from prime production, Defra officials told a meeting of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Efra) select committee on Tuesday…


BPS cuts 'probably' needed to save farming budget - Bradshaw

Steep cuts in direct payments to farmers in England are probably the price that had to be paid for Defra to be able to maintain the agricultural budget, NFU president…


Welsh farms receive 70% BPS advance

More than 15,500 farm businesses in Wales have this week received their first advance payments under the 2024 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), worth almost £158m. According to Rural Payments Wales,…

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Opinion: What farmers need from Brexit

While breakfasting at my local agricultural show, I find myself sat next to a well-respected land agent (if that is not a contradiction in terms).   As we munched our way through…

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Video: Farmers have their say on future of subsidies

A large majority of farmers have been reacting positively to future subsidy decline, with over three-quarters saying they have a plan for their business to cope with less support after…


Record numbers apply online for BPS 2016

A record number of English farmers and landowners submitted their 2016 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications online, the Rural Payments Agency has said. More than 85,500 of an estimated 87,500…


RPA guidance on filling out your 2016 BPS application

With the application window for the 2016 Basic Payment Scheme now open, the RPA has reported a reasonable uptake of its online service. Figures to 30 March show that more than 2,000 applications have been…

RPA releases video guide on BPS 2016

The Rural Payments Agency has produced a short video explaining how farmers and landowners can get their applications under way for the 2016 Basic Payment Scheme. The agency announced on…

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