Know How / Land preparation Case studiesSee all SOILSHow Arable Insights farmer panel are unlocking soil improvementsManaging soils to improve physical structure and chemical and biological activity has become a key trend on arable farms this decade. Each of this season’s Arable Insights farmer panel are… SOILSCropping in the Fens: Working for a sustainable futureIt’s one of the most productive agricultural regions in England, but it’s also an area at the most risk from climate change and environmental degradation, prompting debate about its future… PLOUGHING AND CULTIVATIONWhy a long-term no-tiller is ploughing again on heavy soilsFor more than 20 years, a bare brown field has not been seen on Motts Farm on the Dengie peninsula in Essex, with crops established using zero tillage. But that… SOILSSoils improve for Northants grower after a switch to regenPeter Mee has cut his growing costs while holding his arable yields steady after four years of regenerative farming having improved the structure of his soils close to the flood-prone… SOILSHow a Suffolk Breckland farm has transformed soil healthWith cereal yields dropping by 50% in some cases compared with 2003, James Bucher made the decision to completely change the way he was farming the family’s 600ha on the… ARABLEHow a sustainability scoring system is helping Kent farmKnowing how the farm is performing across six different environmental impact areas is important for Kent grower Alan Clifton-Holt, who wants to make the most of any new market opportunities… Practical adviceSee all CROP MANAGEMENTHow to companion crop successfully in winter wheatCompanion cropping is an emerging practice that is recognised in the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) with an action that attracts a payment of £55/ha. In its most common form, it… ARABLEHow to plan crop and soil management after a washout seasonSoils, rotations and cashflows were all impacted by the 2023-24 growing season washout, meaning there are important decisions to be made ahead of the new cropping year. The smallest wheat… SOILSGrowers advised to test soils immediately post harvestAs combines begin to roll across the UK, growers are advised to carry out soil tests immediately post-harvest to calculate optimum fertiliser requirements ahead of planting this autumn. Soil health… CROP MANAGEMENTSFI 2023: The support options for arable growersArable growers are being encouraged to enter the new 2023 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) for England as it is simpler and more flexible than previous financial support packages. The new… DRILLINGOats come out top in heavy land direct drilling trialOats gave a higher yield and profit margin when direct drilled compared with minimum tillage in an eight-year trial, due largely to the cereal crop showing a very vigorous growth… POTATOESShallower potato cultivation depths recommended in wet seasonPotato growers are advised to reduce cultivation depths this season to improve soil condition and work rates, as persistent rain stops play. With the optimum planting window narrowing, independent potato… InsightsSee all SOILSWhy managing winter rainfall on arable land mattersFor Kent farm manager and AHDB Kent Monitor Farm host Tom Reynolds, managing water has become much more challenging in recent years. The amount of winter rainfall is higher than… SOILSHow composting is helping organic transition on Norfolk farmMaking and using compost to improve soil health has become a central part of the route Ken Hill Farm & Estate is taking to transition to an organic farm. Farm… ROTATIONSAHDB analysis: The merits of SFI break crop alternativesFinding a reliable break crop in the arable rotation is an ongoing challenge. Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions, such as herbal leys or legume fallows could be an alternative, especially… SOILSHow different forms of organic matter affect soil healthBuilding soil organic matter in arable soils is increasingly recognised as important for improving soil structure and water holding capacity, reducing nutrient leaching and providing greater resilience. It is also… BLACKGRASSWhy low disturbance subsoiling raised yields in trialCracking soil with a low-disturbance subsoiler has been the springboard to help raise yields in the direct drilling plots of Agrii’s Stow Longa long-term blackgrass trial. The silt-rich soils at… REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURESomerset grower reaches direct-drilling 25-year milestoneEarly adopters of zero tillage, the Quick family have been regen farming for the past two-and-a-half decades, having refined their system by adding cover crops, widening the rotation and slashing… ARABLETrial reveals cost of unnecessary soil cultivationsRunning low disturbance legs through areas of fields that don’t need it could be costing farmers in reduced crop yields, as well as the extra diesel to carry out the… NUTRITION AND FERTILISERHow managing crop nutrition can avoid insect and diseaseInsect and disease attacks do not occur at random. Instead, they show up in specific places in response to specific environmental cues, according to US regen expert John Kempf. Farmers… COVER CROPSHow to get the most from SAM2 overwinter cover cropsMany growers will have experimented with overwintered cover crops in recent seasons, with, it’s fair to say, varying levels of success. In terms of area, overwintered cover crops is the… SOILSGetting arable soils back on track after a washout seasonSoils have been one of the biggest casualties of the wet season, with many fields requiring some remedial action before cropping again. Issues vary from surface capping, slumping, compaction, and… SOILSHow healthy soils and glyphosate use can work togetherThe use of glyphosate in a sensible and well-planned way can be positive for soil health and structure, research suggests. It’s a question that often gets asked – is it… LAND PREPARATIONWhy regenerative farming needs to start with the soilFarmers adopting a regenerative farming system should focus on improving the functionality of the soil and accept that it will take time to see results, says a leading consultant. By… Online resources from AHDB Field drainage guide Download No-till fact sheet Download Soil assessment fact sheet Download Slug control fact sheet Download