Know How / Careers and personal development

From getting your first job in agriculture to maintaining your work skills and developing your career, we provide advice and insights. Find out what courses, qualifications and experience can help you get your foot on the ladder and how to make your CV attractive to future employers.

Hear from others working in agriculture to discover the range of different careers and find the one that’s right for you.

Key areas of focus:

  • Guidance on qualifications and careers in agriculture
  • Applying for jobs
  • CV writing and interview tips
  • Job profiles
  • Skills development

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Case studies

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How swapping jobs with dairy farm owner helped a new entrant

An owner and farmworker have swapped places on a dairy farm on the Welsh Borders. The reversal of roles for semi-retired farmer Philip Davies and his former herd manager, Hannah…


How a new entrant got backing to set up in dairy

A simple, once-a-day system, relying on grazed grass and spring-block calving, was the step into dairy farming for new entrant Nick Cavill. The first cups went on in 2018 and…


How time working off-farm can bring new skills home

Born-and-bred livestock farmers can benefit hugely from working off-farm before coming home to continue in the business. Whether it is a job on another farm, within the industry, or outside…


How new entrants set up an organic duck egg business

Ditching the city life for the Welsh countryside in 2015, Josh and Abi Heyneke moved to the 4ha Parc Carreg Farm, Carmarthenshire, with the goal of becoming full-time farmers.  But…


Becoming a trainer provides extra income stream for farmers

The squeeze on farm profits has driven the search for alternative incomes. Farmers becoming training instructors is one option that can help provide extra income. A dire safety record for…


How a council tenancy got a new entrant onto farming ladder

Greenfields Farm may only be 12ha but it has given Aled Harper a foothold in farming and a hunger to grow his business. In the three years since he was…

Practical advice

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How to transform dairy farming passion into financial success

Dairy farm operators who are clear about their goals and what they want to achieve have the number one attribute for success. With this, they will find ways around problems…


Valuable business skills courses for dairy farmers

Many dairy farmers tend not to be driven by profit: satisfaction comes from a herd of fine cows, full clamps or milk in the tank. But being good at milking…


Advice on developing a well-trained poultry team

A team can make or break any business, and a poor poultry team can affect production as well as efficiency. NFU Poultry Board member Will Lea helps deliver staff training…


Advice for livestock farmers on improving management skills

Taking stock at the end of the year and considering what you would like to achieve in 2024 might include a building project or filling some knowledge gaps. But it…


How time working off-farm can bring new skills home

Born-and-bred livestock farmers can benefit hugely from working off-farm before coming home to continue in the business. Whether it is a job on another farm, within the industry, or outside…


Is an agricultural degree worth doing?

Over the past three years, figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency have shown a gradual climb in the number of students enrolling to study land-based and agricultural degrees. In…


Job profile: What's it like to be a farm vet?

If you love being outdoors and want to help farmers on a daily basis then becoming a farm vet could be a perfect job for you. Farmers Weekly asked farm vet…


Farming careers: Working as a pig stockperson

In the first of a new series focusing on key roles and career progression in farming, we look at working in the pig sector. Find out what you need to…


Job profile: What's it like to be a farm administrator?

If you’re analytical, organised and have a head for numbers then the role of farm administrator or farm secretary is one to consider. It is a varied position that involves…


Job profile: What's it like to run a farm shop?

Retail is exciting and fast-changing and, for people with a passion for quality, local food and strong interpersonal skills, it can be hugely satisfying. Emma Evans, 49, of Denstone Hall…


Farming careers: Working as a sprayer operator

Stuart Goddard, 33, is the sprayer and combine operator and assistant manager at a 1,821ha joint venture business called Gilston Crop Management in Hertfordshire. The business grows wheat, barley, oilseed…


Job profile: What’s it like to be a technical agronomist?

Digital data is changing agriculture, which means it’s changing the nature of jobs in agriculture. One of the country’s biggest farming companies, Beeswax Dyson Farming, has recently created the new…

Who to work for?


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How agricultural mentoring can benefit farm businesses

Amid the many challenges facing the farming industry, mentoring initiative Cultivate Success is empowering individuals with a six-month programme that aims to build resilience, foster leadership, and strengthen community spirit.…


Analysis: How hiring apprentices helps solve labour problem

For years, a large portion of the workforce in dairy, poultry and horticulture has come from abroad. However, since Brexit and with immigration policies tightening, this labour supply is no…


What are the job prospects in food and farming?

Agriculture and the food supply chain remain major employers in the UK, with 462,000 people working on agricultural holdings in 2023, according to Defra’s June census. But cast the net…


What does the future hold for agricultural apprenticeships?

Earlier this year, the government-commissioned Independent Review into Labour Shortages in the Food Supply Chain highlighted the importance of apprenticeships as a means of improving the skills of the agricultural…

Job listings

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