Know How / Carbon ENVIRONMENTFarmers reject CCC's call for livestock reduction targetsFarmers have strongly opposed the latest proposal by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) to cut livestock numbers by 27% and reduce meat and dairy consumption, warning the plan overlooks agriculture’s… INPUT MARKETS AND PRICESHow the carbon tax on fertiliser will impact farm businessesA Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (Cbam) is due to be implemented by the government from 1 January 2027, leading to higher fertiliser costs on farm. However, the industry is still… CROP MANAGEMENTLow-carbon premiums could soon benefit arable farmersAs supply chains come under increasing pressure to meet environmental goals, arable farmers with a track record of reducing on-farm carbon emissions could soon benefit from verified low-carbon premiums. Independent… ENVIRONMENTBFU criticises use of Bovaer in cattle feedThe British Farming Union (BFU) has slammed the use of the feed additive Bovaer in cattle rations, calling on the industry to stand against its use. Polling its members, 82%… LIVESTOCKWelsh farmers sought for greenhouse gas reduction projectCommercial beef and sheep farmers in Wales are being sought for a project developing breeding strategies that reduce greenhouse gases. The aim of the “Breeding better beef and sheep” project… ENVIRONMENTFarms set to trial new technology for low carbon productionTesco has announced plans to recruit two low-carbon concept farms in its UK supply chain, in a bid to provide farmers in their network with a practical demonstration of a… CARBONNew £1m fund to reward arable farmers for reducing emissionsA new funding scheme that will reward farmers for reducing emissions while giving them control over how those reductions are achieved has been developed by the Soil Association Exchange. Exchange… PAYMENTS, SCHEMES AND GRANTSNew peatland restoration grant open for applications in WalesThe Welsh government has launched a new Peatland Restoration Grant, offering landowners in Wales the opportunity to secure funding of between £10,000 and £250,000 to restore vital peatland landscapes. Managed… CARBONWelsh project seeks to make carbon-absorbing biocharConverting slurry into carbon-absorbing biochar could help Welsh farmers meet new pollution control regulations. The concept of making biochar from manure is not new, but a project in Wales backed… TAXDanish carbon tax could cost farmers £200 a cow by 2035Farmers in Denmark will be required to pay a tax of 120 Danish krone (£13.40) on each tonne of carbon equivalent emitted on farms from 2030. This figure is after… BUSINESSAlternative land uses: Woodland creation - key pointsFinancial support for woodland creation and management in England is at record levels, so it could be the right time to consider this as an option. Talk of reducing sheep… CARBONPioneering arable farm sells carbon credits to top F1 teamA pioneering arable farm in Leicestershire has become the first farm in the UK to sell measured carbon credits to a range of buyers on the open market, including the…