Know How / Layers

With margins becoming ever-tighter, well-performing laying hens are absolutely essential to a profitable poultry business. Here, you will find our full archive of technical features and guidance that will help you achieve persistent, productive laying hen cycles.

Our key areas of focus are

  • Good practices for rearing, transfer and early lay
  • Advice on feeding strategies to ensure the best feed conversion
  • Reviews of the latest technology and equipment for the poultry sector
  • Help in managing birds through ever-longer laying cycles

Latest Know How


Why a poultry and arable unit uses 'circular feeding'

Poultry and arable enterprises complement each other well at Nun Monkton Farm, near York, where the Throup family have farmed for nearly 40 years. “Everything we grow on the arable…


How one couple set up in free-range egg production

Price volatility is a well-documented feature in egg production. But when Ben Anthony and Diana Fairclough weighed up returns against income from their suckler beef and sheep enterprises, the figures…


How heat exchangers can benefit both environment and poultry

It makes a lot of sense to reuse heat that is present in poultry housing. Warming up the incoming fresh air to provide the necessary ventilation keeps the internal atmosphere…


The benefits and uses of lucerne in poultry production

Lucerne is becoming more commonplace in UK poultry systems because of the benefits the crop provides to the welfare and productivity of flocks. Lucerne bales provide hens with important foraging…

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