Know How / Lambing

Compare different systems such as indoor and outdoor lambing and get advice on ewe management, including nutrition, body condition scoring and winter housing. See how to avoid problems such as ewe vaginal prolapse and abortion, how to increase lamb survival rate and prevent lambing diseases.

Advice and tips


Why iodine alternative brings four benefits to lambing shed

A fast-drying navel protection solution has impressed in lambing sheds under trial conditions, providing an effective alternative to iodine. Interest in substitute desiccants for navels has grown since the cost…


Advice on planning for triplet lambs and options for rearing

Sheep farmers considering increasing the prolificacy of their flocks have the potential to increase sales by €15 (£12.80) a ewe for every 0.1 additional lamb reared successfully, according to Teagasc…


Lambing shed communication - why and how to improve it

Keeping lines of communication open to track vital lambing shed jobs can help higher-output flocks keep standards high. Sheep vet Emily Gascoigne of Synergy Farm Health believes verbal and non-verbal…


Tips for managing ewe mastitis during lambing

Mastitis in ewes costs the UK sheep industry more than £120m a year in direct and indirect costs, according to AHDB. It is a primary cause of premature culling, loss…

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Case studies


20 tips for lambing from award-winning sheep farmers

Each year, the UK sheep industry lambs 15m breeding ewes in a huge variety of systems and locations. From sea level to hill top, they lamb in every month of…


How cobalt deficiency tests led to higher lamb weights

A split trial on a Dorset farm highlighted a 3.52kg uplift in weight gain and reduced susceptibility to worms in lambs supplemented for cobalt deficiency. The result of the trial,…


How colostrum and new shed helped cut lamb mortality

Meticulous colostrum feeding and a new lambing shed have helped cut mortality and eradicate cases of watery mouth in an organic March-lambing flock. Mortality has fallen from 26% to 17%…


Purpose-built hut reduces lambing intervention on mixed farm

A purpose-built hut set on a raised platform in the centre of the lambing shed is proving the ideal solution for a father and son to keep a careful eye…

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Farmers Weekly lambing gallery: Best snaps of 2024

For many, the busy 2024 lambing season is well under way – and hundreds of farmers have taken the time to send their photos to the Farmers Weekly lambing gallery. …


Video: A day's lambing with FW's Young Farmer of the Year

Lambing 2019 has been a relatively straightforward affair for Farmers Weekly's reigning Young Farmer of the Year, Jacob Anthony – a welcome relief after tough and bitterly cold season last year. The…

11 things you don’t miss when lambing season is over

With most people now finishing up lambing for the year, and with the ewes and lambs turned out, there are some things sheep farmers and lambing assistants will not miss. 1.…

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Poor colostrum handling risks lamb survival, research shows

Poor standards of hygiene when handling supplementary colostrum are leaving many lambs susceptible to disease and death. Scottish research has shown that instead of giving them a better start, farmers…


4 sheep recording methods compared: which one is best?

Carmarthenshire sheep farmer and Aberystwyth University graduate Huw Williams completed a HCC scholarship in 2015 looking at how extensive systems in New Zealand and Australia were recording parentage. Talking about…


Research shows value of monitoring ewe body condition

New research has shown just how valuable it is to record and monitor body condition in commercial ewe flocks and keep it consistent year-round.   Independent sheep consultant Lesley Stubbings…

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Principal cause of mastitis in ewes identified

Two bacterial pathogens have been identified as the principal causes of mastitis in commercial sheep flocks involved in a Farming Connect-funded Welsh study. Fourteen different strains of bacteria were found…


Subsidised abortion screening scheme reopens

A subsidised abortion diagnosis service designed to help farmers diagnose causes of early lamb loss has reopened for the 2025 lambing season. Sheep farmers can take advantage of the MSD…


Steps to improve labour efficiency laid out by sheep adviser

Sheep farmers have been challenged to limit their annual labour input to two hours a ewe by advisers who have noted huge variation in farm labour efficiency. This would mean…


Schmallenberg outbreak hits early lambing flocks

Growing numbers of flocks are being struck by the deadly Schmallenberg virus in the south of England, Midlands and Wales. Vets are urging farmers with deformed lambs to send them…

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Test and reviews


Video: Buyers guide to ad-lib lamb feeders

As lambing approaches and labour is harder to find than ever before, it could be time to invest in an artificial lamb feeder to lighten the workload. With a variety…


Buyers guide to lamb adopters

Lambing time is fast approaching, and anything that makes life a bit easier is welcome on sheep farms. Emily Padfield looks at five different lamb adopters. It’s usually about now…

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How farmer lambs 1,000 ewes inside without oral antibiotics

Diligence around lambing shed hygiene and ewe body condition scoring have allowed a Wiltshire flock to get through four lambings without a single dose of oral antibiotics. Martin Tobutt and…


Video: How to successfully wet-adopt a lamb

Smell is the most important factor in the successful adoption of a lamb. This makes wet adoption, where the ewe’s birth fluid is rubbed on the lamb to be adopted,…


Video: A day's lambing with FW's Young Farmer of the Year

Lambing 2019 has been a relatively straightforward affair for Farmers Weekly's reigning Young Farmer of the Year, Jacob Anthony – a welcome relief after tough and bitterly cold season last year. The…


Video: Buyers guide to ad-lib lamb feeders

As lambing approaches and labour is harder to find than ever before, it could be time to invest in an artificial lamb feeder to lighten the workload. With a variety…

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