Latest bull rankings feature all-new top 10

Denovo 20723 Columbia heads the latest ranking for young genomic sires, which features an all-new top 10 for the first time since the list was created in 2012.

The list of new sires published by the AHDB on 13 August demonstrates the fast-moving nature of Holstein breeding and sees bulls that appear in the top 20, such as Denovo 2776 Leeds, also featuring as sires of sons at the top of the same list.

See also: Why genetics are critical for improving dairy cow fertility

De Su Frazzled

De Su Frazzled, maternal grandam of Denovo 2776 Leeds © Beth Herges

Marco Winters, AHDB head of animal genetics, said: “It is exciting for dairy producers to see 10 new bulls in the top 10 positions, and drilling down into their breeding credentials reveals they offer truly modern breeding patterns.

“Many producers are focusing on the genetics of economic and environmental traits alongside health and fertility, and bulls like those at the top of this list are helping them do so.”

Top five in detail

Columbia, one of Leeds’s sons, has a huge profitable lifetime index (PLI) of £938 and is predicted to transmit a feed advantage (FAdv) of 247.

This means his daughters are predicted to require 247kg less dry matter in each lactation than daughters of a bull with a score of zero and at the same level of production.

In second place, with a PLI of £934, is T-Spruce Harmony. He has one of the highest HealthyCow (HC) indexes of the breed (315).

The better health he will transmit is worth, on average, £315 for each of his daughters over their lifetimes, compared with a bull whose HC is £0.

Two more sons of Leeds feature in third and fourth place: Denovo 20771 Segment (PLI £932) ranks third with high fat (54.1kg) and a strong lameness advantage (LAdv) (2.7), and Denovo 20893 Harmony, at £931, follows in fourth.

Harmony is also the breed leader for combined weight of fat and protein, at 97.7kg, and has the best FAdv, at 299, and the best EnviroCow score of the breed (5.2).

The next newcomer, in fifth position with a PLI of £904, is Cogent B Advantage. This young sire has the best daughter fertility in the top 20 (FI 12.9) and the joint highest LAdv (2.9).

Bull Boghill Glamour Captain SS Carlin

UK-bred daughter of Genosource Captain, Boghill Glamour Captain SS Carlin © Jane Stell

Daughter-proven sires

Holstein bull Genosource Captain continues to top the ranking for daughter-proven sires, with a PLI of £800. His predicted transmitting abilities (PTAs) for production traits now stand at 1,153kg milk, and he has a strong FAdv (273).

New graduate Cookiecutter Holysmokes is in second place with a PLI of £797. He transmits high protein (35.9kg) and good SCCs (-18).

Denovo 16219 Aladdin jumps into third place (PLI £785) with a maintenance index of -21, while Bomaz Kettle, in fourth place (PLI £783), is a great milk solids improver (+0.19% fat, +0.17% protein).

In fifth is Denovo 14744 Ginetta (PLI £778), another high-production bull (91.8kg fat plus protein) with good calf survival of 2.2.

Bull Winstar Mendel

Winstar Mendel P © Beth Herges

Bulls for block-calvers

Winstar Mendel P tops the autumn calving index (ACI) with exceptional PTA for weight of fat, a good maintenance index for feed and an ACI of £719.

In second place is Winstar Graziano (ACI £713), another high milk solids bull, who also transmits lower SCCs, and Peak Mauney ranks third (ACI £705) with very good ratings for lifespan and daughter fertility.

The best daughter fertility bull in the top 20 is Progenesis Wimbledon, who ranks fourth (ACI £699). He also leads the spring calving index (SCI), in part due to excellent daughter fertility.

Winstar Mendel P takes second place (SCI £599), closely followed by Denovo Invictus (SCI £598).

The complete list of available bulls can be found on the AHDB website.

Other breeds


UK-bred bull Tontine Astorwell has risen to the top of the Ayrshire PLI ranking. Astorwell offers PTAs of 767kg milk and 27.9kg protein with good udder health (-16 SCC, -2 mastitis). He has a breed-specific PLI of £507.

VR Hakvin, in second place (PLI £499), proves a solid production transmitter with good daughter fertility (9.2), and also has the highest EnviroCow index of the proven bulls.

Third-place VR Venom (PLI £482) has a PTA for fat of +0.23% and an exceptional daughter fertility index of 19.


Bloemplaat Hoeve Ewoud remains in first position in the British Friesian ranking with a PLI of £309, supported by good production transmission, and -10 SCC.

Inch Hearty (PLI £260) keeps second place with good lifespan (+107 days) and the highest type merit of the top five bulls of the breed (1.71).

Long-term top 10 bull Catlane Cromwell moves up one place to third position (PLI £253).


VJ NR Hauggaard Nibali Nibiru stays top of the Jersey ranking with a PLI of £431. He is also the highest HealthyCow index bull on the list with a score of 190.

Moving up to second place is VJ Hoeholt Jern James (PLI £410), transmitting excellent udder health, at -23 for SCC and -3 for mastitis, while VJ Kibsgaard Jocko Jojo (PLI £405), stays in third position,

Other dairy breed indexes are published at, where the Montbéliarde, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Shorthorn and Fleckvieh are all represented.