All from last 24 hours GRASSLAND MANAGEMENTGrazier cuts winter costs to £112 a cow and £6.30 a eweRethinking how hill ground is utilised is unlocking profit potential for an upland mixed tenant farm. Combined with a move to recorded maternal genetics (and doubling the number of fields… OTHER CROPSRegen field vegetable growing: Can it be done?Growing intensive vegetable crops in a fully regenerative farming system remains a possibility rather than a reality. This according to Worcestershire farm manager, John Sansome of G Wilson Revill &… LAND MARKETSFarmland market slowly picks up paceThe pace of launches onto the farm market is starting to pick up as spring begins. Batcheller Monkhouse has brought a 105-acre block of Grade 3 land to the market… FARMER FOCUSFarmer Focus: Break-ins and breakdowns test my patienceI forgot to tell you last month that on Christmas night we had a break-in, and 100 heifers were let loose into the surrounding countryside at 3am in the morning.… WILL'S WORLDWill's World: Age-related problems keep me on my toesI’ve spent most of today sawing logs. It’s one of my favourite jobs, mainly because I can get completely lost in it. Put on the ear defenders, tune out from… OPINIONEditor's View: Food security platitudes set for severe testYou know we are in a remarkable era when commentators keep reaching back as far back as the time of Napoleon for parallels. Economists say the UK is in the… ARABLERevolutionary weed control – five years onIn 2020, KWS UK Ltd and Bayer launched CONVISO® SMART to the UK market. The aim of this system was to transform sugar beet farming through a high-performance weed control… NEWSLords probe farming groups on fertiliser use and environmentNitrogen fertiliser usage in UK agriculture faced scrutiny during a House of Lords select committee session on 5 March, around its impact on water and air quality. Farming representatives from… POULTRYNFU Cymru calls for bird housing order in WalesPoultry farmers in Wales have called on chief vet Dr Richard Irvine to implement a housing order for all poultry across Wales as cases of avian influenza are encroaching on… BUSINESSNatural England accused of blocking nutrient solutionNatural England has been accused of blocking an innovative nutrient solution that could have allowed farmers to generate income while maintaining food production. The solution, developed by Biocore Agri, a… NEWSSurvey launched to assess impact of small abattoir closuresFarmers are being urged to complete an online survey about the role of abattoirs in their businesses with the view to collect evidence on how the closures of such abattoirs have… NEWSNFU demands action on rising rural crime ratesThe NFU has demanded urgent action to protect rural communities who are under siege from rising crime – including equipment theft, livestock worrying and fly-tipping. Despite the UK government announcing its… BUSINESSWelsh Labour government rejects calls for IHT reviewA motion presented by Plaid Cymru, urging the Welsh Labour government to request the UK government pause and review its inheritance tax plans, has been rejected. It asked Westminster colleagues…