Know How / Dairy

In a tough dairy market, with growing volatility and uncertainty, our Know How area aims to help you make your dairy business more resilient and profitable.

This is your starting point for lowering your cost of production, improving grass from forage and reducing reliance on antibiotics and improving cow health and welfare.

Key areas of focus:

  • Reducing costs to deliver a profitable business
  • Improving cow comfort, health and welfare
  • Increasing milk from forage
  • Meeting milk contract requirements
  • Breeding cows to suit your system

Latest Know How


Dairy tests genomics to unlock genetic gain in crossbred herds

Conwy dairy producer Eurof Edwards believes genomics will fast-track genetic gain in his split-block crossbred herd. Eurof milks 180 spring-calving cows and 120 autumn calvers at the 149ha (368-acre) Rhydeden…


Advice on early nutrition for forage maize crops

Top of the to-do list when planning this year’s forage maize crops should be to check soil pH and correct where necessary. Maize needs a pH of 5.8-7, and outside…


5 ways to be more efficient at maize production in 2025

The value of maize in feed rations is not in doubt but farmers are facing challenges in continuing to use it with confidence amid increasingly unpredictable weather patterns. They need…


Advice for creating temporary field clamps for maize

Clamping maize in a field could be an option for farmers to avoid overfilling permanent structures or making a mess on roadways – but it requires careful planning. Hefin Richards…

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