Know How / Sugar beet

Sugar beet is seeing a resurgence, however, sugar markets remain tough. Our sugar beet page aims to help you grow a more profitable crop in the face of rising inputs. This is your starting point for addressing challenges such as the rising pest and disease threat, keeping weeds in check, exploring precision farming and protecting the environment.

Key areas of focus:

  • Getting establishment right
  • Planning fungicide strategy
  • Assessing fertiliser requirements
  • Keeping on top of blackgrass

Latest sugar beet Know How articles


Outlook 2025: Sugar beet prices depressed but break even

When the 2024-25 campaign contract offer was finally announced in December 2023, many growers felt the headline price of £40/t did not reflect the futures market, which suggested a value…


Sugar beet grower looks to increase nitrogen with biostimulant

One Suffolk arable contractor is trialling a nitrogen-supplying biostimulant to his sugar beet after a nutrient-draining wet winter, which could potentially cut his use of artificial nitrogen fertiliser. In June,…


Tips to tackle foliar sugar beet disease in high risk season

Virus yellows is not expected to be the major issue feared in the spring – when aphid migration started earlier than usual – sugar beet growers have been reassured by…

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