Cereal growers gain new azole fungicide mix this spring

Wheat and barley growers have an extra option for their fungicide programmes this spring, with the approval of a two-azole mix.
RevyPro contains the newest azole (mefentrifluconazole) partnered with prothioconazole, which BASF says offers growers flexibility with application timing, dose rate and mix partners when building their fungicide programmes.
The company says its unique formulation results in benefits which are greater than the sum of the performance of its active ingredients.
See also: AHDB fungicide data reveal how new products performed
Commenting on trials, Rebecca Joynt, senior plant pathologist at Adas, said RevyPro has good broad-spectrum activity and will help disease control across programmes.
“In Adas trials, we compared RevyPro with its component straight actives and found that there is a formulation benefit of using it. It gave greater control of septoria, and higher yields than the equivalent tank mix.”
Jared Bonner, BASF business development manager, explained that the unique formulation gives exceptional leaf and ear coverage, with rapid uptake getting both the azole components into the leaf faster than other prothioconazole products.
“This ensures better protection from wash-off and UV degradation while enabling quicker activation of prothioconazole, resulting in enhanced disease activity.”
Combining the new azole mix with other modes of action bolsters the performance of mixture partners when targeting septoria and rusts.
Ms Joynt pointed to Adas trials comparing 1 litre/ha of fenpicoxamid + 1 litres/ha of RevyPro with 1.25 litres/ha of Univoq (fenpicoxamid + prothioconazole).
“We found that the fenpicoxamid plus RevyPro treatment gave a reduction in septoria and in some places a yield response associated with that, compared with Univoq.”
However, for resistance management purposes when targeting septoria, farmers should use the product in a mix with another product containing a different mode of action to azoles that control septoria.
For barley, BASF says RevyPro provides well-balanced disease control covering all major barley diseases – net blotch, rhynchosporium, rust and ramularia.