Know How / Sheep

Whether you run a sheep flock that numbers in the dozens or the thousands, keeping your rams, ewes and lambs healthy and productive is the key to achieving maximum production.

Regardless of your sheep breed, location or system, these pages give you the important health, welfare, nutrition and genetic advice to help make your flock profitable and sustainable.

Key focus areas:

Breeding to suit your system
Grassland management and nutrition
Improving flock health
Finishing lambs to suit market requirements
Reducing your cost of production

Latest Know How


Outlook 2025: Buoyant sheep prices prompt more slaughtering

In contrast to recent years when the UK breeding flock increased, December 2023 survey data reported a 4.3% decline to 13.8m head. This is the lowest figure since the current…


How a Portuguese green oasis inspired a move to agroforestry

Mike Adams had never seen the point in growing trees in fields. But visits to farms in southern Europe and Turkey proved transformational; he is now sold on their benefits…


How gauchos, Incas and advisers evolved Welsh farm system

A Welsh grazier has taken life lessons from indigenous peoples and farming lessons from leading farmers and consultants to ring the changes at home. Wil Evans’s experiences inspired him to…


How growing lucerne could build resilience for Welsh farm

Integrating drought-tolerant lucerne into its sheep rotation has helped a Welsh livestock farm reduce the risk of feed shortfalls. Nitrogen fixing as well as deep rooted, lucerne has leaves with…

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