Arable Farmer Focus


Farmer Focus: Feed shortage looks likely for New Zealand

There is nothing like a deadline to focus the mind and energy. I write this article from a hotel room in the North Island while I am on the road…


Farmer Focus: Half the winter wheat is good and a quarter is bad

Finally, some progress. In the first two weeks of April, we managed to drill 260ha of spring wheat and 150ha of maize – not bad going considering we had 80mm…


Farmer Focus: Taken aback by online comments

In my last article I spoke of how we’d manage to plant our spring barley crop in a fleeting 10 days of dry weather in March. It was a considerable…


Farmer Focus: I propose an SFI option to dredge ditches

On 20 October 2023, we had just finished drilling winter wheat on the 25ha of land at Stainfield that I contract farm, in perfect dusty conditions.  Little was I to…


Farmer Focus: Hire tractor gives up the ghost while drilling

Hopefully, by the time you read this, our spring drilling will be complete. Nearly every field had wet areas, some of which had to be avoided, but overall we achieved…


Farmer Focus: Machines sat idling are a drain on finances

The weather finally decided to change its mind about raining, so we are currently trying to beat the ground into submission for maize. I decided to get on with the…


Farmer Focus: A rubbish crop review and a lost phone

Well, the weather doesn’t seem to get any better. Spring drilling started on 11 April and finished on the 15, with a little over 80ha of the planned 220ha drilled.…


Farmer Focus: Grain maize and sunflowers help in tough year

Planning ahead for spring work is always a challenge. I usually hope things get going before the end of March, and by April, spring cereals are established. Then the focus…


Farmer Focus: Wet weather pics on social media are heartening

One of the many good things about social media is that although there are some in the farming community who only post portrayals of agronomic excellence, there are enough farmers…


Farmer Focus: A few false starts to spring drilling

Unfortunately, the weather is still the main point of conversation, and it is little consolation to know that further south, the situation is probably worse.  There have been a few…


Farmer Focus: Taps are off and field work can finally start

The taps are finally off. It's only taken what feels like nine months to stop, as it seems to have been raining since mid-July, with the odd nice but short-lived…


Farmer Focus: Why we imported a sprayer from the UK

We were new to the arable industry when we shifted to Canterbury in 1994 and due to our inexperience, we took on the skills of a contractor to do our…

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