Woodland creation

Home > Woodland creation
05 DEC 2023
Orchard Park Farms - Hornblotton, Somerset, BA4 6SF

About Woodland creation

Trees have far-reaching benefits for people, the land, the environment and for future generations. By planting the right tree in the right place for the right reason, coupled with financial support and expert advice, woodlands can help realise the full potential of your land.

Woodland creation can sit alongside food production and can help farmers and landowners diversify their business, provide alternative income streams, as well as deliver environmental benefits.

If you plan to create woodland in England, you may be eligible for grants from the Forestry Commission or from a number of partners and other woodland creation organisations.

Join Farmers Weekly live as an expert panel considers the different grant and finance options as well as the planning aspects of woodland creation.

Expert advice

Gain critical insights and guidance from those who built a diversification business

Case study tours

View the site/project on the day to see how it was diversified to create a new income stream

Networking opportunities

Meet like-minded farmers from across the UK farming industry to share experiences and ideas

Hear from speakers

Have your questions answered and discuss your ideas with professionals and peers



Registration and networking breakfast/coffee 


Welcome from Suzie Horne, Business editor, Farmers Weekly 

09:30 – 09:55

Woodland creation, Jo Garlick, land use advisor, Forestry Commission

09:55 – 10:20

Finance and planning aspects, Marc Leibrecht, Carter Jonas

10:20– 10.45

Tax implications

10:45 – 11:15

Quick coffee/comfort break

11:15 – 11:40

Woodland management, Forestry Commission

11:40 - 12:05

Case study: Neil MacDonald, Orchard Park Farm and Thomas Mansfield, Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group

12:05 – 12:10

Summary of the morning, Suzie Horne, Business editor at Farmers Weekly

13.30– 14:30

Tour of site, led by Neil MacDonald

14:30 – 14:50

Opportunities and challenges with development Q&A session with all speakers


Suzie Horne, Business editor, Farmers Weekly, closing remarks  


End Event  

Meet the host

Suzie Horne is Farmers Weekly’s Business Editor. She has a Yorkshire family farming background and an HND in agricultural marketing and business administration.

Suzie has an extensive background in agricultural journalism and is interested in all farm business and rural issues.




Orchard Park Farms - Hornblotton, Somerset, BA4 6SF

Phone: 01963 240154
Mob: 07831 483 392



Apply now for a place at the Woodland event

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Headline partner - Woodland creation

Forestry Commission

Visit website

Pictures of the event



Conrad Energy

Woodland Trust