Webinar: Public access to private land
Opportunities for farmers to reap financial rewards from public access was the subject of our recent webinar.
Public access can be provided by a landowner as a community benefit or it can be granted under a scheme such as Countryside Stewardship.
Some landowners are also cashing in on the surge in dog ownership, letting out whole fields specifically for dog walkers.
Public access to private land webinar
In this webinar, a panel of experts debated the dos and don’ts of public access to private land and answered questions such as:
- Is the premium payment for providing public access under the England Woodland Creation Offer, a taste of things to come?
- With the promise of future payments through ELMs is allowing public access something farmers are planning to do?
- Could public access bring with it a surge in rural crime and fly tipping?
- Would farmers need to increase their public liability insurance rates if they allow access?
- What is the farmer’s legal responsibility when allowing public access to their land?
In partnership with CLA
The CLA safeguards the interests of landowners, and those with an economic, social and environmental interest in rural land. The CLA is the membership organisation for owners of land, property and businesses in rural England and Wales. Our in-house professional advisory team offers members independent and impartial advice on every aspect of their landownership, and through the experience and expertise of our members and staff, we promote our members’ interests to ensure the positive development of the rural economy.
To get in touch contact: mail@cla.org.uk