Triplet surprise for Dorset beef farmer

An eight-year-old Simmental-cross cow has surprised its owners by giving birth to three heifer calves – an event that is said to occur less than one time in 100,000.

Dorset farmer Philip Dean, who runs a herd of 150 Simmental cross Aberdeen Angus cattle with his brother Richard at Melcombe Park Farm, Ansty, said the cow was only expected to have one calf.

“We’d had about 40 of our later calvers pregnancy diagnosed and were informed they were all in-calf,” said Mr Dean.

See also: Ewe gives birth to twins eight days after a single

“We watched her go off on Wednesday [28 June] and she duly gave birth to a nice little heifer on her own. But when we went back two hours later to check on her, we were amazed to find two more.

“All three calves were heifers, they were all healthy, and they all looked very similar.”

One of the calves was subsequently removed from her mother and put on another cow to share the feeding – and they all continue to thrive.

“It’s been a delight to see,” said Mr Dean. “We’ve had plenty of twins over the years, but never anything like this.”

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