Red tape task force remit unveiled

DEFRA’s farm minister Jim Paice has set out how his task force on farming regulation will reduce the red tape faced by English farmers.

The task force will identify ways to reduce bureaucratic burdens by reviewing regulations and their implementation.

It will advise on ways of achieving risk-based enforcement while maintaining high environmental, welfare and safety standards.

The task force will focus on identifying unnecessary measures which might be revoked or, if EU-based, re-negotiated.

It will also recommend alternative approaches that remove disproportionate or overly complex regulations.

Mr Paice said: “We need to target the red tape that ties up our farmers and food businesses and trust in their ability to get on with the business of producing our food, managing our countryside and contributing to our economic recovery.”

Task force members are Richard Macdonald (chairman), Judith Donovan, William Goodwin, John Healey, Heather Jenkins, Richard Percy, Marion Regan, Andy Robertson and Steve Tapper.

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