Northamptonshire council pledges support for local farmers

Councillors in Northamptonshire have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a ‘fightback’ motion to stand against the growing anti-farming sentiment that has been adopted by several councils throughout the UK.

Following in the footsteps of councillors in Cornwall, which last month voted to support local farmers, North Northamptonshire Council, based in Kettering, has pledged a commitment to its local food producers by encouraging residents to shop locally and promote home-grown meat, dairy and plant-based produce.

See also: Cornish council rejects plant-based trend and pledges to back local farmers

Councillors from the Green Party attempted, unsuccessfully, to have references to meat and dairy removed from the motion.

Proposed by Conservative councillor Scott Brown, it called for the need to “work in partnership with our arable and livestock farmers to ensure their ability to enhance our magnificent countryside”.

He said: “Let’s not beat around the bush here, Farmers have had it tough for a long time now and are still facing incredible difficulties in maintaining a viable business.

“This motion, I hope, will give the many farmers and rural communities across our green and pleasant land, the confidence that this council is on their side.

“We will strive to support farmers by being sympathetic to diversification opportunities and promotion of local produce.”

He continued: “In the face of numerous divisive and unnecessary anti-livestock farming motions elsewhere, this policy represents an inclusive, positive alternative that fundamentally recognises the significant contribution our farmers make to the countryside.

“Crucially, it demonstrates the importance of supporting local producers, cutting the distance travelled from farm to plate.”

In total, there were 35 votes for Councillor Brown’s motion, nine against, who were Green and Labour councillors, and two abstentions.

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