NFU ‘empowering counties and branches’ to reconnect grassroots

NFU counties and branches are being “empowered” by the new team of officeholders in a bid to reconnect with grassroots members.

In an interview with Farmers Weekly, NFU vice-president Rachel Hallos said the national commodity board chairs were also being included in more discussions.

See also: Regional jobs ‘at risk’ of redundancy in NFU restructure

But she denied NFU membership numbers had dropped considerably, saying instead they were “mirroring consolidation” in the industry.

“We need to make sure that right down to county and branch level, people are being listened to,” she said.

“Then that filters back up and there’s more transparency in conversations.”

Ms Hallos was also asked about former deputy president Guy Smith‘s call for NFU elections to move to “one member, one vote”, which he suggested would give the grassroots more clout.

She said: “It’s a funny one. I understand why Guy says it.

“But council members take their members’ votes with them to council and those council members will see people operate in different environments.

“Somebody that can stand at the front and be the best presenter in the world might actually, behind the scenes, be a different person.

“I guess that’s where weighted voting does work because they can see more depth.”

Red Tractor

On Red Tractor, Ms Hallos was asked whether she had confidence in the assurance body’s leadership.

“It would be wrong in my position to say, but I have my own personal thoughts on it,” she said.

She also claimed she did not know what position the NFU would take on the subject of the Red Tractor ownership body, which is currently considering a response to a letter endorsed by the Beef and Lamb Board that expressed no confidence in the leadership.

“I do not sit on that board and what goes on at that board is within that board’s remit,” she said.

The union’s deputy president, David Exwood, sits on the Red Tractor board.

Pressed on whether Mr Exwood had had conversations with the other two officeholders about the position the NFU would take, Ms Hallos said: “No, we haven’t. There’s the director’s privilege element you’ve got to respect.”

She conceded afterwards that this situation was “odd”.

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