Monitor hose reel on mobile
Monitor hose reel on mobile
MOBILE phone technology has for many years revolutionised communication within farming, but now it has taken on a new dimension.
Briggs Irrigation has devised a system that enables its range of hose reels to be monitored remotely from a mobile or landline phone. Designed to work with several reels operating in different locations, the system uses a SIM card to relay information from the reels computer.
"The phone link enables reels to be monitored off-site eliminating the need for unnecessary journeys to be made between fields," says Rob Singlehurst of Briggs. "If the reel stops, there is a speed fault or low water pressure, the system alerts the operator by calling a pre-programmed number and providing a voice message."
Providing the phone signal is strong enough, reels can be monitored from anywhere in the UK or, for very conscientious types, from abroad, he claims.
And if the mobile phone is not answered after 20 rings – next to a noisy forager for example – the system automatically tries a second number.
"The system not only warns that crops arent being irrigated, but highlights other serious problems such as a burst pipe or broken down pump," he says.
Price is an extra £800 for computer-equipped hose reels. *
Let the phone take the strain. Briggs hose reels can now be monitored from a landline or mobile phone.