Make sure those rams are working
17 October 1997
Make sure those rams are working
SHEEP producers should observe flocks carefully during tupping to ensure rams are working, even where harnesses or keel are being used.
So says Perthshire-based Signet sheep specialist Peter Cappon. "Ensure rams are working and serving correctly, otherwise ewes could be marked but not served."
He recommends using a harness or keel for additional peace of mind. "Some producers dont use colour marking, or will only use it on the second cycle to show returns. If this is the case, it is vital to observe the flock carefully, or there could be a large number of returns, delaying lambing some time."
Where harnesses are used, they must be tight to reduce risk of chafing. "Check harnesses every three days. If they are causing sores – usually under the front legs – hopefully you will notice before the ram stops working."
Keels should be re-applied every day, he recommends. "This means you must be able to catch rams – feeding in the run-up to and at tupping will help."
Also check that tups do not have sore feet or are lame, he says. "It is no bad thing to swap rams between tupping groups, and will create more interest."