Ingenious ways to dress up dolls in super style

7 November 1997

Ingenious ways to dress up dolls in super style

WHAT does the well dressed doll wear nowadays? Something to match its owners lifestyle, if there is a copy of Mette Jorgensens book* in the house.

This gives patterns for a whole wardrobe of dolls clothes and as any little girl knows, the best thing about playing with dollies is endlessly dressing and undressing them. The relative who can provide some imaginative clothes becomes very popular indeed.

From underwear to nightwear, pretty dresses to jogging pants, ski-suits and even fancy dress, the instructions for making the clothes are easy to follow and offer creative variations on the basic garment. The patterns are suitable for dolls from 38cm (15in) to 58cm (23in) tall and are simple to stitch and do not use zips, button or buttonholes. Older children as well as adults could follow them with a little encouragement.

Use remnants or material recycled from clothing for an inexpensive collection – there are ideas for 75 styles. Or for something special, visit a shop selling materials for quilting as these are often in dainty prints favoured by patchwork makers and very suitable for dollies.

The book also includes knitting patterns for a sweater and cardigan and instructions on how to make a hat and scarf, shoulder bag and tote bag.

A good source of inspiration for Christmas gifts, the clothes look as much fun to make as to receive. TG.

*Dolls Clothes by Mette Jorgensen, David Porteous Editions (£11.99).

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