25 September 1998
uAYRSHIRE breeders are offered a combination of Milkman and Blackaddar bloodlines in Canadian sire Blackadder MM Savage, says Semex UK. It says the bulls proof shows good conformation with 196kg of milk, 16.1kg (+0.15%) fat and 4.9kg (-0.03%) protein. Straws cost £12 each.
uPRESERVE external timber life using creosote, which is safe to use in livestock facilities providing safe use guidelines are followed, according to a new leaflet for livestock producers. For a free copy of the Livestock and Creosote factsheet write to The Secretary, The Creosote Council, 9 Deerlands Rd, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 6UL. *
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