Hi-vis farmers launch #SeeItChangeIt safety campaign

Farmers donned hi-vis vests to highlight the number of people who suffer a serious accident or illness every year in agriculture.
The #SeeItChangeIt campaign encourages cost-effective ways of eliminating safety risks on farms – and aims to tackle stress and mental well-being in agriculture.
See also: How a prosthetic leg inspired a farm safety campaign
It was launched on Tuesday (20 February) during a safety workshop held at the NFU’s annual conference in Birmingham.
Farmers at the workshop wore hi-vis vests – some yellow, some orange.
The one in five orange hi-vis vests represented the 20% of farmers who suffer an accident or illness that keeps them off work longer than a week annually.
The #SeeItChangeIt campaign aims to get farmers actively looking for risks on farm – and then doing something simple to make it safe.
Simple promise
This could be a promise to check their pto shaft every week, wear a helmet every time they ride an ATV, or simply keep their mobile phone charged and on their person.
Delegates attending the session filled out a #SeeItChangeIt promise card, selecting one thing they would do to improve safety and well-being on their farm.
NFU president Meurig Raymond said: “The safety record within the farming sector needs improving, and there are simple but specific practices that we can change ourselves.”
Mental health
“It must also be noted that the mental well-being of farmers is just as important as physical safety.
“Stress and depression are among many other illnesses that can massively affect your life and work, and we must be able to recognise when we need help.”
Farmers filling out the promise card are encouraged to tweet it, stick it on their fridge or simply keep it to ensure they make one change that will improve their well-being.