Fears over HCC’s performance as bullying claims emerge

Rural affairs minister Lesley Griffiths has been urged to intervene at Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) – Meat Promotion Wales – following a series of bullying allegations.

Llyr Gruffydd, Plaid Cymru’s shadow rural affairs spokesperson and member of the Senedd (MS) for North Wales, has also demanded that the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee hold an inquiry into HCC.

He believes this is necessary to “ascertain all the facts and provide assurances pertaining to the organisation’s leadership and governance, its internal processes and its ability to deliver its remit.”

See also: Pressure mounts on Welsh government to pause SFS plans

Concerns have been raised by Mr Gruffydd about the way the bullying claims have been handled by the chairman and certain board members.

Farmers Weekly understands that a total of five allegations were made against one individual, three of which were upheld following an investigation.

The upheld allegations included demeaning behaviour, setting others up to fail, overbearing supervision and creating an atmosphere and environment that is intimidating and uncomfortable to staff.

Victims of the bullying have since been offered mediation with the individual at the heart of the claims.

Employees have expressed concerns to Farmers Weekly that working in this situation will affect their day-to-day jobs.  

Mr Gruffydd wrote to the minister last week to ask what action had been taken to ensure the allegations had been properly responded to.

This week, he has written to her again, saying that her earlier response “does not provide the reassurance” he was seeking.

“I now consider the situation at Hybu Cig Cymru to be a matter of such public interest that I call on you to intervene directly as Minister,” he wrote.  

“I fear that the increasing levels of concern about the internal issues at HCC are undermining the confidence of levy payers and the wider public in its ability to deliver its remit effectively.”

The bullying allegations come as Gwyn Howells, HCC chief executive, is on a period of extended leave unconnected to the claims. HCC have said this is due to sickness.

Heather Anstey-Myers has been appointed interim chief executive and accounting officer.

HCC refused to comment on internal staff matters.

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