Farmers will vote to leave EU, AgriChat poll reveals

With polling stations now open across the country, people involved in agriculture continue to indicate a strong preference to leave the EU.
A poll run during a special AgriChat Twitter debate last night (22 June) found that, of the 662 participants who voted during the two-hour debate, 59% said they would vote “leave”, with 36% for “remain” and 5% undecided.
This was consistent with just about every other poll run by Farmers Weekly during the course of the four-month referendum campaign (see panel below).
The AgriChat debate last night – entitled “Is farming better off in or out of the EU?” – attracted the biggest audience so far this year, with 174 Twitter account holders getting involved, posting a total of 767 tweets.
The debate was based on 10 key questions, with a panel of experts initially asked to give their three top reasons why the UK should either stay in or leave the EU.
Here is a selection of responses:
#AgrichatUK Better off In because of Income stability, levels competitive playing field vs oth European farmers,access to 500m single market
— Michael Haverty (@MichaelHaverty) June 22, 2016
#AgriChatUK Q1)
1. 3 crop rule,
2. Chlorpyrifos,
3. Neonic's,
4. Glyphosate!— Rob Holmes (@Robert_Holmes30) June 22, 2016
Guessing that's a LEAVE then Rob?! #AgrichatUK
— AgriChatUK (@AgriChatUK) June 22, 2016
The debate then focused on the need for agricultural support and whether the UK government would continue to provide it if the vote was to leave the EU.
#AgrichatUK Agree on that. UK Gov will have other priorities (NHS etc) esp if economy struggles
— Michael Haverty (@MichaelHaverty) June 22, 2016
Q2. Surely in the long term UK food production is more competitive & resilient without direct subsidy. Creates a bloated system #AgriChatUK
— Joe Fisher (@JJ_Fishy) June 22, 2016
Q2 #AgrichatUK
A lot of farmers would go out of business without support, but long term it may present more opportunities for young people— Hill Top Farm (@hilltopfarmgirl) June 22, 2016
The debate also touched on red tape.
Red, white and blue tape most certainly – and even more of it! #AgrichatUK
— Farmers Weekly (@FarmersWeekly) June 22, 2016
I don't see why there would be more? Less rules to follow means less red tape!
— Chris McCullough (@journo_chris) June 22, 2016
Immigration was another concern
Q5 well my soft fruit would not get picked simple as. #AgrichatUK
— Charles Turner (@Cherrygrower) June 22, 2016
Trade got an airing too.
The final question called for the number-one issue that would influence the voting decision.
Q9 Chance to restore self-determination, sovereignty, independence, the GREAT British way #agrichatuk
— Phil Christopher (@PhilatRedRock) June 22, 2016
To review the whole debate, visit the AgriChatUK website.
How our readers plan to vote
An initial snap poll on FWi in February showed 66% wanting to leave and 25% for remain (9% undecided).
Our more detailed survey of almost 600 farmers in April had 58% leave, 31% remain (11% undecided). A poll of 656 young farmers at the YFC convention in Blackpool had 62% for leave and 38% for remain.
And a survey of 1,145 visitors to last week’s Cereals event showed 58% wanting to leave and 31% planning to vote remain.