Diet feeder offer at bargain prices

7 November 1997

Diet feeder offer at bargain prices

OFFERING refurbished diet feeders at 30-40%less than new price is a move Richard Keenan hopes will open up the smaller end of the diet feeder market.

Set up in conjunction with Lloyds of Carlisle, the refurb scheme is intended to stimulate market growth among smaller livestock units which find it difficult to justify the cost of a new machine – previously the domain of 150-head dairy herds, says the firm.

"Over the last few years, we have developed a strong second-hand market which has enabled us to offer a machine refurbishment service," explains Gerard Keenan. "All refurbishments are sold with as-new warranties."

Machines traded-in through Lloyds of Carlisle are returned to Keenans Co Carlow factory for the full treatment. After being stripped, shotblasted, repainted and refitted to current specifications, a one-year warranty is added and the machines returned to Lloyds.

At a cost of between £7000 and £11,000 for a factory refurbishment, Mr Keenan expects the machines to appeal to livestock units with over 40 cattle to feed.

Old Keenan feeders never die; not now the company is offering a factory refurbishment service.

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