Police investigate after heifer strangled in Whitby field

An attack on a 16-month-old heifer, which was strangled to death with a rope in a field near Whitby, has been described as “horrendous” by the animal’s owner.
North Yorkshire police are appealing for information about the incident, which took place overnight at some point between Saturday (30 May) and Sunday (31 May).
The owner of the animal, who has asked for her name to be withheld, has put a series of shocking pictures on Facebook, which show the animal dead on the grass, with a piece of blue/green nylon rope drawn tight around its neck.
See also: Farmer sickened by gruesome sheep attack
The rope has been taken for forensic testing by the police, who are also urging anyone who saw something suspicious to get in touch.
The farmer said the family was called to the field on Sunday morning by a neighbour, who thought one of the 16 heifers in the field was calving.
They knew this wasn’t the case as none of them were in calf, but went to check on the animal anyway. The field in question is two miles from the home farm which has dairy, beef and arable enterprises.
“As we walked across, we thought the animal must have bloat, but when we got there we saw the rope tied around its neck,” she said.
The farmer said the animal in question was very tame as it was a pet of her nephew’s.
“You could walk right up to this heifer and she would have let someone put the rope on her. That makes it even more disturbing.
“Someone must know something about this incident and we want someone to be brave enough to come forward. Whoever did this – there is something wrong with them.”
Anyone who can help officers with their enquiries is urged to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101 – select option 2 – and ask for PC Neil Graham or Whitby police.
Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111. Please quote reference number 12150090224 when passing information about this incident.