Police appeal after sheep stolen from Welsh farm

Police in Wales are appealing for information following the theft of 46 sheep in Powys

Dyfed-Powys police said the in-lamb Welsh mule ewes were stolen from enclosed farmland in the Llanfechain area in the north of the county.

It comes amid a spate of sheep thefts across the UK in recent weeks.

See also: How technology is helping farmers curb sheep thefts

Humberside Police are investigating the theft of a number of sheep stolen over the past few months from the same location on farmland near Howden, East Yorkshire.

Elsewhere, a police investigation was launched in January after 210 lambs – worth up to £20,000 – were stolen from a farmer’s field near Beaminster, Dorset.

The same month, 500 lambing ewes were stolen in a Norfolk farm raid. Most of the stolen Cheviot mule ewes were later accounted for.

Anyone with any information has been asked to call 101 with details.

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