Counting high cost of Ecoli

1 February 2002

Counting high cost of Ecoli

E COLI mastitis cases cost an average of £125 each and it is the most common form of the disease on UK dairy farms, accounting for 40% of cases. Yet vaccination could yield a 300% return on investment, according to recent research.

Speaking at the conference, Pharmacia vet Mike Thorne said research on six UK dairy farms, for a one year period, showed E coli to be the predominant mastitis pathogen occurring throughout the year. "The average UK dairy herd has 20 cases/100 cows/year of coliform mastitis, losing 0.5% of cows annually. In the study, 2% of cows infected with E coli died."

Of cases on the six farms, 80% were mild, 16% severe, requiring vet attention and 4% toxic. Taking into account vet and med costs, milk loss and replacement costs, mild cases cost £60/cow, severe £180/cow and toxic £780/cow. "With an average cost of £125/case, coliform mastitis costs the typical 100-cow herd £2500/year," said Dr Thorne.

But vaccination can reduce cases considerably. "Although vaccination will never overcome poor management, US field trial results show it will reduce cases by 60-80%. Currently, 54% of US cows receive the vaccine."

The vaccine, Envirocor, is given in three doses, one at drying off, a second 28 days later and a third 10-14 days post calving.

Producers should pay no more than £7.50/course of three vaccine doses and those unwilling to vaccinate the whole herd, can do so strategically, he said. "Some producers target highest yielding or high risk animals. Peak incidence of coliform mastitis is in the fourth and fifth lactation." &#42

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