Cereals 2023: Farming minister criticises ‘communist’ food price cap

Farming minister Mark Spencer has branded the idea of a food price cap “communism” and claimed no one in government was “ever seriously considering it”.

Just two weeks ago, there were multiple reports that the government was proposing to follow Hungary and Croatia’s lead in implementing the policy to tackle food price inflation.

See also: Food price cap plans enrage retailers and farming sector

But when pressed by Farmers Weekly on whether there was anyone in Defra working on the plans, Mr Spencer said: “No is the direct answer to that. I don’t know where that story came from.

“Clearly there is huge pressure on inflation and the government is very much focused on trying to get consumers through this pressured period, but at the same time, I don’t think communism is the answer. That story sounded like communism to me.

“We need to work with processors, with retailers and with farmers to make sure we all get a fair crack of the whip, that we can drive efficiencies in the system so we can all make a profit, and that is the best way to protect consumers.”

Mr Spencer made the remarks when speaking to the press at the Cereals event in Nottinghamshire this week, but did admit there may have been people in other parts of government who were “brain trusting” the proposal.

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